By CurtisWogan - 12/03/2014 22:23 - United States - Albany

Today, I met my mom's new business partner for the first time. I shook his hand, and introduced myself as "Lisa's daughter." I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 939
You deserved it 13 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Giving some mixed messages as a first impression. Bold, indeed.

To be trans- or not to be trans-, that is the question.


Giving some mixed messages as a first impression. Bold, indeed.

I wish I could have seen the look on the guys face.

I wish I could have seen the look on the guys face after hearing that introduction.

I think we heard you the first time, I don't know how you thought it would be better the second time around.

OP just wanted to make them aware of their recent sex change.

oh wow, that's Ermm awkward...hope he took it as a joke! xS

To be trans- or not to be trans-, that is the question.

Hey stupid, you forgot the period at the end of your sentence. Ohhhhhhhhhhh sheeeiiiitt

25- You forgot the period at the end of your statement :P An exclamation point would have worked too, haha.

expertsmilee 26

Is it just me, or does 5 look like a beaver?

He is not stupid he just had a Freudian slip. Shake it off OP, we've all said something that was stupid.

And your mother's name is Janice. You're just all sorts of confused today, aren't you, OP?

Yeah, Are you sure you're a guy? It wouldn't be the first mistake today :o

silly OP, that was before the operation.

Let's hope he's an equal opportunity kind of employer

it was his mom's business partner. I don't think he was being interviewed for a job, but it doesn't really specify.

deep inside, you might have unresolved issues.. just sayin