By adderallgirl - 12/06/2009 20:04 - United States

Today, I woke up feeling like shit after I had spent the whole night taking care of my sick boyfriend. He got up early, feeling great, bouncing around the house. When I finally got up I told him I didn't feel well and he yelled at me for being a bitch in the morning that slows him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 948
You deserved it 5 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell are you still with him? You should wait until next time he gets sick and then dump his ass while he's lying in bed.

Key his car and pop his tires and tell him you are just being yourself... Trying to slow him down


OK #61 you REALLY have some issues...considering your more than very feminist comments on the FML of the girl that keyed her date's car, and that you are now commenting on how she should be serving her boyfriend. Please, shut the **** up.

is this seriously the first time he's ever been rude to you? because i doubt that. dump him. let him take care of himself when he's sick.

sashafierce123 0

Okay, definetly dump this guy, if you haven't already.

Well I guess if you still want to be with him you have to be sure not to get sick... Horrible relationship you're in

soo.....don't be the bitch in the morning that slows him down!!

mehwhateverr 0

He sounds like an abusive boyfriend. Not physically abusive but mentally and emotionally.

Dump his ****** ass. Then his mommy can take care of him instead.