By RandomTurtle109 - 19/03/2016 12:40 - United States - White River Junction

Today, I woke up late, got ready within 10 minutes, and drove to work. I walked in and apologized to my boss. He said, "Go home, it's your day off…" Walk of Shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 982
You deserved it 3 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better to go in accidentally on a day off than to accidentally not go in on a day on! :p

On the bright side, at least you didn't sleep in and waste your day off!


Axel5238 29

I showed early and called in (I thought I was late) I didn't have my glasses on looking at my clock. I figured no big deal, but they though I did it because I was drunk and had to take a blood test. It took weeks for my boss to apologize. Thankfully, I don't work there any more but be careful you'll never know how they'll interoperate something.

when this literally happened to me today

saffy66 34

Be glad you didn't stay and work two hours unpaid before anyone realised you weren't supposed to be there. Happened to a buddy of mine; we were so busy nobody realised there was an extra person till it came time to figure out who was rotating into the two static posts during the remainder of the shift.

I've done this too, you're not alone

Walk of shame. Ive been there once or twice