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Cough up

By Anonymous - 19/03/2016 12:30 - United States

Today, my roommate used my PC without asking. Long story short, it's now infected with ransomware. The dissertation I've been working on for months is now encrypted, along with all the backups on my second hard drive. Now I have to pay the hackers $1,500 to get the decryption key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 482
You deserved it 2 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have your roommate pay the ransom, that is incredibly stupid. Hopefully you can find a way to track down those assholes.

That really sucks for you, but there is password protection for a reason. To keep unauthorized people especially family and room mates from using your computer without asking.


That really sucks for you, but there is password protection for a reason. To keep unauthorized people especially family and room mates from using your computer without asking.

Who would leave their computer without a password in today's age? Like really, everyone should have a password. And not 123456, qwerty, etc. I feel bad for the OP, but if he had no password, or a very simple one I have to say both FYL and YDI simply because of a lack of computer smarts/security/safety.

is it possible being a room mate that they watched op log in until they knew ops password??

Or OP can just revert his computer to an auto save point that likely exists a day or two before his roommate got him "hacked". If you pay you're an idiot.

@66 If you think this method always works, you're an idiot as well.

See that's the problem here, ransom ware is designed to lock down your computer so you can't revert or do anything except pay the hackers with it. Everything is locked down

Safe mode, or restore from the boot menu. Don't know if either of these options work, I've never been stupid enough to be infected with ransomware but its theoretically possible. There's no guarantees that the hackers will even give OP the encryption key if he does pay up.

Have your roommate pay the ransom, that is incredibly stupid. Hopefully you can find a way to track down those assholes.

If they're worth anything, they won't let others track them. Not trying to be a pessimist, just a realist

When I read this FML to me it sounds like the hackers and the OP are already in contact, and the hackers want the money for them to fix what they did.

You don't pay anything to the ransomware, if you pay then they know they've won. There are ways around it, which is unfortunately a pain but much cheaper than paying a criminal. Certain IT companies can get through the encryption.

A lot of ransomware uses encryption too string to decrypt without the code, and IT companies can do nothing about that. Just like the iPhone encrypted by San Bernardino shooters that Apple cannot decrypt, there's ransomware that can encrypt with similar strength.

27, sort of. It encrypts your stuff and then pops up a site that explains the situation with a Bitcoin address to send Bitcoins to. No direct contact to prevent discovery

What do people not understand about not touching other people's electronics?? That shit is like a modern day diary

Your roommate should be responsible for the costs. FYL.

Even if you pay it you probably won't get your files unlocked. Your best bet would be to take it to someone who knows more about that

Actually, they have a pretty good record for releasing files. Otherwise there's no repeat business because no one will bother paying

It's a virus. It was used a lot a few years back. If you take the PC to a reputable repair shop they will fix it.

Scorpio1691 29

Unfortunately the only true way to wipe ransomware is a full wipe. The IT people I know either won't touch it or will do a wipe and reinstall. Repeat business?? It is nothing but plain blackmail. if they see you willing to pay something. they will just up it and up it because they can see you are desperate. That comment almost implies that they are doing an honest service????

You can't fix it, you either pay, go to a backup, or you are out of luck. No other option.

Had to make an account just to say this. I had ransomware a few months ago, idk how tf i got it, never open spam emails or visit sketchy websites, but i did a simple restore point thing and was back to normal (:

Yikes. Hackers are terribly smart people. Use better passwords!!

Hackers yea, people behind randsomware are idiots praying on bigger idiots who think paying really helps. Also always have a remote backup, cloud or usb for important files

Why wasn't it password protected exactly?

ransomware is not from week password you can go to let's say google and get it if they got hacked

They're probably wondering why it didn't have a password to prevent people like OP's roommate from messing with it.

I think they were talking about the roomie getting on so easily.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Then you find out, that it's actually your roommate who's doing the ransom. I hope that you'll be able to get it all your data, without too much trouble.

I also feel that either that or that the roommate knows the hackers is very likely. It's just quite the coincidece that the hackers happned to target OP at that specific time when the roommate was using it.

Not really; if people aren't careful with their browsing habits, or are gullible, it would be quite easy for them to unintentionally allow many types of malware to be loaded onto a device.

beautfldisasta 12

The hacker virus thing happened to me one time. If it's on safari try deleting the safari. And restarting your computer. Don't panic or pay them any money. Good luck fixing it

I don't think it's possible to not panic when a dissertation is involved

Mathalamus 24

That's a new one. Ransomware. Get your roommate to pay the cost, in a reasonable fashion.