By Sophies - 26/12/2013 00:45 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I woke up on Christmas morning to find that a large cock and balls had been keyed into the windscreen of my car. My new, two-week-old car, which I will be paying off for the next four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 661
You deserved it 3 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Replace it... You don't have to leave it like that forever :)

challan 19

Those wankers! So ballsy of them. They basically pissed all over you, Op. Do you live by the docks? Those semen are rough characters. Did you call the police? I would, in a hairy situation like this. Those guys are nuts!


Redtick 9

My first thoughts too. Windshield i assume.

Really? You had trouble translating that? Hardly a brainteaser. Lucky OP didn't mention putting things in the boot.

That's horrible. I am sorry OP :/ Hopefully you will be able to sort it out.

On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me....

Tonasharkman 14

That happened to my mom's car except on the good of the car and it was some kind of gang symbol on it.

Tonasharkman 14

Wait why are there so many thumbs down?

Windshields aren't that expensive, especially if you have insurance. paying it off for the next few years has no connection to the state of a windshield you can pay off. I know it sucks but its not like you have to drive around with a cockmobile for four years.

You're in the UK. Call Autoglass. They fix it, your insurance covers it. Problem solved.

perdix 29

At least it's not a tiny **** and balls. That would have been embarrassing!

Find em knock em out and tattoo a penis and balls on their face