By Anonymous - 25/05/2012 17:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I replaced my car's windscreen wipers, after someone stole the last pair. After I finished, I went indoors for a drink. When I returned, the new ones had been stolen too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 589
You deserved it 2 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, here's the plan.. put on some new wipers, but rig them to electrocute the thief. That'll show him! Just.. make sure you don't touch them. Or get them wet. Okay, this is a bad idea, so never mind.

No one is stealing them. Your car is a transformer, and he hates the ones you buy for him, so every time you leave, he chucks them as far away as possible, then turns into a car again.


hannahkours 0

I can predict the future. I predict that #1 will be buried alive... By FML commenters.

I would steal everyone on the blocks windshield wipers. It has to be someone within seeing distance considering you weren't gone long

#14, I'm not sure if I want to be remembered for murdering a fellow FML commenter.

21- No! We're not going to kill him. We're just burying him. The lack of oxygen will kill him.

Set up a hidden camera and get another pair so you can catch him.

I like that idea, except use bear traps instead of cameras

SuperDerp 8

More like it's time to move dude, unless you can't get a better place to go...

Flyersfan54 4

Not everybody has money to buy a hidden camera..

CaramelMacchiato 13

.. Then buy a regular camera and hide it. If all else fails, you're screwed.

Kenik 6

They will probably watch OP place said camera/bear trap and steal them also.

Okay, here's the plan.. put on some new wipers, but rig them to electrocute the thief. That'll show him! Just.. make sure you don't touch them. Or get them wet. Okay, this is a bad idea, so never mind.

Solution = Sniper Rifle Peek-a-boo... I see you!

He was probably watching you write this.

jeragonm 15

68 just google it and you'll find in 1 minute or less that it means "Allah is the Greatest", if you don't know who Allah is, he's their god. Long live google, eradicating stupidity everywhere! And 75 in case you were not just joking, you're a dam moron racist. If it was a joke, get new jokes it was a bad one.

It's the mysterious wiper jacker. Poison the next set

other121 2

Well duh. You can touch poison and it will harm you.

Can you poison windscreen wipers? Normally poison only harms someone if you eat it

No one is stealing them. Your car is a transformer, and he hates the ones you buy for him, so every time you leave, he chucks them as far away as possible, then turns into a car again.

Well in that case, it's time to dutch-oven that mofo.

Snafuusmc 12

It's just one of those days where nothing goes your way.

Why the **** would somebody steal windscreen wipers?

I don't know about you, but mine is made of glass. There is no screen involved. So it's more of a shield. Windshield!

BeMyLove15 10

Sorry op, maybe you should put the next ones on right before you leave, and pull in the garage (if you have one) .