By MyS3lf - 19/04/2011 02:33 - United States

Today, I woke up to a strange sound that sounded like a lot of water being poured into a sink. It was actually my father in law using the bathtub as a toilet. He's staying with us, and is showing no signs of leaving any time soon. He thinks this is acceptable behavior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 127
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shakeTHEworld 12

Reprimand him. Don't care that he's your father-in-law. As long as he's living in your house, he go by your rules which is... No ******** in the bathtub!

enonymous 8

So that's why I found pieces of corn in my loofah. I can't wait to be old.. pinch women on the ass, forget to brush my teeth for a decade, argue with the neighbor that his christmas lights are against the homeowners agreement, believe I'm always right even when there's a ton of proof saying I'm wrong, polishing my shotgun on the steps on halloween , wait in line at a grocery store to complain that my .05 cent coupon was not used to buy my 1 banana that I bought, drive in the left lane at 35mph with my right blinker on all the time...


enonymous 8

So that's why I found pieces of corn in my loofah. I can't wait to be old.. pinch women on the ass, forget to brush my teeth for a decade, argue with the neighbor that his christmas lights are against the homeowners agreement, believe I'm always right even when there's a ton of proof saying I'm wrong, polishing my shotgun on the steps on halloween , wait in line at a grocery store to complain that my .05 cent coupon was not used to buy my 1 banana that I bought, drive in the left lane at 35mph with my right blinker on all the time...

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I'd say at least you save on water, since he's not flushing, but you'd be using more water to scrub and rinse the urine stains off.

what urine stains? urine doesnt make stains on a bathtub, trust me :) (plus the soap cleans the pee)

oh well, on the plus side the toilet seat is still down.... lol

eww! and that's gonna stink so much for so long now. FYL!!!!!!

wriptidez 0

ya gross but kids do it lol .... tell him to pee outside

MakeAScene 4

I wonder what's going on in his head for him to think that's okay..

when you go visit his house, shit in the sink.