By MyS3lf - 19/04/2011 02:33 - United States

Today, I woke up to a strange sound that sounded like a lot of water being poured into a sink. It was actually my father in law using the bathtub as a toilet. He's staying with us, and is showing no signs of leaving any time soon. He thinks this is acceptable behavior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 128
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shakeTHEworld 12

Reprimand him. Don't care that he's your father-in-law. As long as he's living in your house, he go by your rules which is... No ******** in the bathtub!

enonymous 8

So that's why I found pieces of corn in my loofah. I can't wait to be old.. pinch women on the ass, forget to brush my teeth for a decade, argue with the neighbor that his christmas lights are against the homeowners agreement, believe I'm always right even when there's a ton of proof saying I'm wrong, polishing my shotgun on the steps on halloween , wait in line at a grocery store to complain that my .05 cent coupon was not used to buy my 1 banana that I bought, drive in the left lane at 35mph with my right blinker on all the time...


wait this isn't acceptable behaviour? so that's why that Mexican maid has been on my back all this time...

Heather_x0x0 6

combo breaker!! but 24 kinda broke...never mind...LOL!!!!

I hope some mod comes along and violates all your asses with a large mouth bass. And TheRealFamilyGuy - you DO realise you have the ability to respond to a comment other than #1, right?

at least he couldn't miss and get piss all over the floor?

And your mother doesn't find this behavior unacceptable? Speak the **** up instead of whining on here

45, You understand what this website is about, right? If no one posted problems/issues (even if they had been sorted out) that were bugging them, or made their lives '******' so to speak, you wouldn't be reading anything right now, which brings me to my second point, you made the choice to view this website, and you also made the effort to make an account, read and comment on an FML. So just don't bother coming here if you aren't going to 'support' the FML's. I'm not saying you have to agree to them all, but by writing your comment, you're actually the one whining, making you a hypocrite too.

stewpididiot 11

I jumped over it and you eight it !!!! hahahah!


if he living with u then u should if tell him sumthing bt it may cause u not to gt sum from ur wife

sooo doc what's the expination of ur new picture?

tjv3 10

Thats just gross! Tell him that isn't Acceptable and that it is disrespectful. If he still does it boot his ass to the curb

fgwrxfiend 11

FIRST!!!!:P lol...ok...wha?

AllThatHit 7
fgwrxfiend 11

thought I was the first to comment,but apparently ^^ beat me by a few seconds...sooo yeahh that happened

AllThatHit 7

can't say. I guess it's normal for some people

ifiFaLL 1
shakeTHEworld 12

Reprimand him. Don't care that he's your father-in-law. As long as he's living in your house, he go by your rules which is... No ******** in the bathtub!

Judging by the sound made in the description, he was just only taking a leak--which is perfectly fine to do in a tub with a drain. This isn't really an FML, except for the possibility that the father-in-law will be staying for a long time, and this is the most concrete thing that could possibly "bug" the poster.

Unless you have the stomach flu and you jar to decide poop in your pants and throw up or poop (diarrhea) in the tub.... I'd choose the tub (my own expeirience) and the stomach flu sucks anyway

SteelCladAngel 0

or sit on the toilet with a garbage bin in front of you..... obviously make sure the bin has a bag in it lol a 'clean' catch both ways and easy to clean up

SteelCladAngel 0

or sit on the toilet with a garbage bin in front of you..... obviously make sure the bin has a bag in it lol a 'clean' catch both ways and easy to clean up

shulgafish 0

since it sounds like water wouldn't it be pee and not poo? granted i don't know how your poo works 0,o

SteelCladAngel 0

or sit on the toilet with a garbage bin in front of you..... obviously make sure the bin has a bag in it lol a 'clean' catch both ways and easy to clean up

This happened to me before but it was my friend.. I made him scrub my tub the next day

what the heck?!? you can vote comments down? boo. and you're all just jealous that I thought of that first.....

Damn, I feel sorry for you :/ what a weirdo.

MizzErikaHart 8

of course he thinks it's acceptable behavior or he probably wouldnt have done it

RainbowHeadache 2

Where was your toilet at this time?

TrueStory22 0

What's the problem? He needs a bidet and a toilet at the same time and you apparently don't have one, so he made due (due). :D