Lazy git

By Anonymous - 18/01/2021 14:01

Today, my fiancé was offered a job by my boss working as a dishwasher. This is awesome, especially since he just got fired from his last job. When I brought it up, his reply was, "I don't want to work as a dishwasher." I guess beggars can be choosers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 039
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you mean EX-fiancé. You don't want to marry a bum. He needed to take that job while looking for something better.

He can be choosy if he has other support. Perhaps you need to motivate him.


I hope you mean EX-fiancé. You don't want to marry a bum. He needed to take that job while looking for something better.

PenguinPal3017 19

Maybe he's worth way more than that and wants to get his career back on track? Long term thinking.

He can be choosy if he has other support. Perhaps you need to motivate him.

mccuish 25

It’s better than nothing. I work as a dishwasher and it ain’t all that bad. It’s a very stressful job, but I enjoy what I do.

Does he have a track record of being fired or leaving jobs? If so, get out now! He will never hold down a job longer than a couple months. Trust me, I had an ex who would quit or get fired, but thought he was too good to work for minimum wage or a less desirable job. Seriously, don't be the one taking care of him.

Jon Tessler 14

Fiancee here. I "don't" need to get a job right away, because I get a check from the government for my military service, and have a bunch of money saved up in the bank. I pay all the bills with the exception of the electric bill(which my fiancee pays, but I can pay it if needed). I held this last job for close to 5 years, and have more than 10 years in this field. so I am simply taking some time to de-stress, and relax before finding something new. PS- to all who say we should break up, not going to happen, we support each other through thick and thin, this is a bump in the road, nothing more.