By man-period? - 02/03/2016 06:48 - United States - Portland

Today, I woke up to large spot of blood in my underwear. This wouldn't be too big a deal if I didn't have a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 433
You deserved it 1 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hoosiergirl94 31

it's hard to be a girl on her period when you are 17 and a guy

Or it could be something a lot more serious. As much as some women would enjoy the thought of a man having a period so that the opposite sex could literally feel our pain for the sake of understanding, the fact is that men do not. So you should contact your doctor. Well wishes to you.

Maybe you banged it somewhere while sleeping? Else you have a medical condition.

A friend of mine had a tick on his manhood and it crawled up into his pubes. He said it bled like nothing else. Look closely OP I hope it's nothing serious.

bobsanction 18
Ruskiy_Cherep 18