By man-period? - 02/03/2016 06:48 - United States - Portland

Today, I woke up to large spot of blood in my underwear. This wouldn't be too big a deal if I didn't have a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 433
You deserved it 1 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bagelbaron 12

Now you know how period feels like! Or you might actually be having a period right now!!

saffy66 34

Unless he's also experiencing bloating, intense cramping, nausea and moodiness ranging from mildly irritable to suicidal depression, then no, he doesn't actually know what it feels like :)

OP could definitely be experiencing what could be expected of a normal period. Remember we don't know why or where he was bleeding. He could be experiencing symptoms similar to yours. OR he might have no symptoms, in which case it would be much like my periods so he would know what it's like for me.

saffy66 34

How old are you? Because unlikely as it is, I guess this scenario is possible if you're a hermaphrodite, though if you're out of your teens it's less likely to be manifesting now. Definitely don't delay getting it checked out though.

If you are using the word penis you are probably young dont worry too much about it, but since you seem to be a guy I would get it checked out ASAP don't panic.

#32. Why would his use of the word penis make him young? It's what the thing is actually called.

Since you didn't specify *where* the blood spot was, I'm guessing that it's not in the area of your penis. You know, I'm just gonna suggest a possibility: hemorrhoids. Still, go see a doctor.

That can be a sign of cancer. You should get that checked out.

It's OK to beat it, but you're not supposed to beat it WITH anything.

So, your first response to this was to post an FML instead of seeing a doctor? I like your style.