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By jellyfish_ftw - 15/12/2009 22:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend's crazy ex, who let herself in with her old key. She screamed at me to get out of "her" bed, snatched "her" blanket off of my body, and finally dragged the bed itself out the door. I was still in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 624
You deserved it 3 680

jellyfish_ftw tells us more.

OP, replying. this is my big explanation, so pay attention. the whole situation came about because my boyfriend was trying to keep the breakup friendly since they had a kid together, and he wants to stay in his daughter's life. therefore, he hadn't really made a fuss about making her give back everything of his/take everything of hers. this was also because he didn't fully realize how crazy she was. the ex hated my guts already and we all knew it, and she had made threats to my boyfriend saying things like, "she'd better hope she doesn't come across me anywhere, or i'll kick her ass." the morning of the incident, he had left early for work 45 minutes away, leaving me to sleep in. his ex called him at work telling him she needed to get something from the apartment, which he usually leaves unlocked because we live in a small town. he told her it was locked and that i was there and he didn't want her going over there......which made her insanely angry, obviously. she came over with her old key and her sister (in the sister's van) and started flipping shit. i was asleep, and i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm extremely disoriented and out of it when i first wake up. so all i could really do was stare blearily at her while she yelled and tore blankets off. when she grabbed the bed, i woke up enough to get out of it. she took off with the bed, which was a double-size box-spring and mattress, and dragged it to her sister's van which was waiting outside, and they drove off. when my boyfriend came home and found out the situation, he bitched her out and told her he would do something about it if she ever came in without asking/him being there again. there you go, FML. full story.

Top comments

Jesus, what a psycho. And where was your boyfriend when this was happening?

prttyyngthng 0

What I wanna know is, why did you stay in the bed while she dragged it out of the door?


brkntooyung 0

same thing happened to me... except she stole my clothes also. psycho bitch.

Seriously OP get the locks changed. When my boyfriend dumped me, I still had the key to the apartment only because I had paid half the rent and only a week of the month had passed and he didn't see it as fair to me if he took the key away right away. But I -NEVER- went there to get my stuff without his knowing, and I always made sure the landlord knew I was there too. She's seriously psycho, I hope that bed was the last of her shit.

wow. what OP seriously cares enough to clarify and respond to FML comments. 0.0 sad :(

I'm glad she's responding. It gives me more of an understanding about what happened. If you aren't that interested, don't read the comments.

ydi, if your bf hasnt gotn the key back he shoulda changed the locks. is he to scared to ask for the key? if so you're dating a wimp. or he still hitting the ex. something isnt rite or you straight lying

LOL what a psycho. although you shouldn't have been so lazy and sat there whilst she dragged your bed out the door

If you had read what the OP wrote a few lines above you (or maybe any of the 8 or so replies she made), you would know that the OP got out of bed after she was starting to get dragged. "i was asleep, and i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm extremely disoriented and out of it when i first wake up. so all i could really do was stare blearily at her while she yelled and tore blankets off. when she grabbed the bed, i woke up enough to get out of it."

yes, i posted the comment on my ipod which takes a while for it to load. Hense by the time it actually went on the other comments had loaded so shut up.

Well, you WERE using her bed without her permission.

no...i was using my BOYFRIEND'S bed, which she had also sometimes slept in when they were dating. which, according to half the people on here, makes it hers..............? i mean, i'm all for women's rights, but seriously. come on now.

FYL, and I hope you called the cops, and you and your boyfriend took out a restraining order on the psycho.

Because she was taking back her own property?

um, no. because she came into the home of another person without permission. that is generally known as breaking and entering. her having a key has nothing to do with it since the owner of the home told her not to go into the home at all without his presence. even apartment management isn't allowed to go into your home without your presence without permission or a reasonable suspicion of mischief. OP they are right, file a restraining order, and make sure the bf knows about it. if he has a problem with meeting her elsewhere to pick his kid up then he doesn't deserve you. also, if *she* has a problem with letting him see his kid, then he needs to take it to court. screw being nice when you are obviously being treated badly. you deserve the love and concern of your bf, and the kindness of keeping your life separate from crazy bitch ex's life.

Yep. That's known as constructive breaking and entering. Like you don't break in, but you get yourself in when you weren't invited and have no right to be there. That woman shouldn't have custody of their daughter. I don't think your boyfriend is dealing with any of this well.

I wish you had kicked her ass, I do love a good girl-fight.

it sounds like your boyfriend has a thing for white trash.

seriously, you all sound like some SPANKIN' white trash. Have fun being the next trashy psycho-ex who is carrying hisbastard child.