By fulloshit - 28/11/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, I woke up with extreme stomach pains. After being rushed to the hospital and having numerous tests performed, I was told my intestines were over-stretched with stool. I'm essentially so full of shit it hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 064
You deserved it 4 594

Same thing different taste


There's a saying: "It's better to feel like shit than to be full of shit". In your case, you're so full of it that you feel like it.

Theres a limit to how much you SHOULD eat :p FYL

I'm sorry that this has happened to u butt the way u put it was pretty funny....

same thing happened to me but with gas

omg I've had/have this problem !! it was funny though because my doctor actually said you're full of shit ... lol fl feel better , take some Movicol or normacol it does wonders :)

poohappens26 0

Fyl I know someone that happened too and omg I felt sooo bad for her.. She said it was very painful.

That happened to me in the middl of school I went home sick and then took a HUGE crap and I was all better but seriously FYL I know how bad it hurts I could barely walk