By fulloshit - 28/11/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, I woke up with extreme stomach pains. After being rushed to the hospital and having numerous tests performed, I was told my intestines were over-stretched with stool. I'm essentially so full of shit it hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 064
You deserved it 4 594

Same thing different taste


Oh wow, that's really dangerous. Major fyl for having something both embarassing and life threatening.

Can you not realize when you are full of excrementals? Dumbness.

the exact same thing happened to me. it's not that big of a deal.

fakeaccountX 6

For the toilet, it soon will be.

One word for ya. Miralax. And looks like the OP and Miralax will be good friends for a while.

Your diet probably doesn't consist of a lot of fiber. The doctor probably gave you fiber and softeners. I recommend getting fiber supplements so this won't happen in the future. It's really no big deal and I think it happens to a lot of people.

sublimetime614 0

happy thanksgiving!! happy binge eating!

softballer22 0

the same thing happened to me.. to everyone laughing it's not fun. you seriously feel like youre dying and can't move.