By fulloshit - 28/11/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, I woke up with extreme stomach pains. After being rushed to the hospital and having numerous tests performed, I was told my intestines were over-stretched with stool. I'm essentially so full of shit it hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 064
You deserved it 4 594

Same thing different taste


Gloritank 8

What a shitty day at the doctors.

oh no... maybe you should consider doing a colon cleansing..

Wow really? Eat some fiber....or ya know take a laxative.

well look at the bright side if you get into an argument with someone and they say "your so full of shit" you can use this as an excuse to use the come back "yes i ******* am!!"

lindsey37 0

Sounds like somebody needs some laxitives...

Assuming this isn't a medical conditions, OP has several options. A suppository (such as Dulcolax) may help. Magnesium citrate is very potent. A stool softener/laxative combination like Pericolace may work. I usually recommend Milk of Magnesia first. Prune juice sometimes helps. Manual disimpaction may be needed. Or he could come to me and I could beat the shit out of him.