By Anonymous - 24/12/2011 08:38 - United States

Today, I worked 4 hours for a huge mail call to get all the troops their Christmas mail. And just like every other mail call I did not receive one package or letter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 090
You deserved it 2 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that man. Although it isn't much of a compensation, at least you're doing your country proud, even at one of the worse times of the year to be risking your ass.

The_Troller 14


skyeyez9 24

My friends husband was killed in iraq and a few days later, "friends" started calling her to ask for money. One asked to 'borrow' $30,000.

What does this have to do with anything?

Hey brother, I know how that is. Give up your address, I would definitely send you something, one soldier to another

Give me your address, and I will send you a package.

Having been through the military myself I know its heart breaking to not receive anything during mail call but if, at all its any compensation, you have our well wishes and many thanks.

diann89 0

ill send you a package and letter

Sorry op.. Wishing you a Merry Christmas

I am a soldier too and when I was deployed the same happened to me but dont think we all dont care bro we are thinking about all of you and will be here for you

Notyour6969_fml 1

I'm sorry that your friends and family are not considerate enough to honor you... However this christmas keep in mind millions of us are very thankful for all your sacrifices that you make for our freedom... I hope you can look past this and do your best to enjoy your christmas!

thank you op for serving your country. military people deserve so muxh more than what they get. hope you have a merry christmas. go out with some friends and take mibd off of mail call.

KentuckyRebel92 8

That's hard man and I'm sorry. Id send you a Christmas card and thank you for serving your country. None of you get the credit or respect you should. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year