By Anonymous - 13/01/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, I worked a full day and then went to a three-hour class. I got home at 9 PM, and before the door closed I heard, "There's a sink full of dishes for you." There are three able-bodied men in the house, all of whom got here hours ago and created that sink full of dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 897
You deserved it 4 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geekemo92 0

Let me guess-you did them? That is why they expect you to do them-you let them push you around like that. Tell them to do them.

if you did the dishes then YDi for being a pushover and letting them treat you like a doormat. I hope you had some self respect and also treated them like capable people by refusing to do them and let them do them- unless of course you all take turns and it was your turn


Amandapanda51990 0

The same thing happens to me almost everyday. The sad part is it's my parents, so I can't tell them off or go on strike, I get to suck it up and do them.

Its called chores. I had them growing up. and when I hit 18 I took on even MORE (and went to college and had a job)

It's so sexistic, it makes me angry... Women do not belong in the kitchen and in the bedroom, they belong where they want to belong! Not where men decides they belong.

b_rad_fml 4

Hope you let the dishes sit there and let the able-bodied men clean them after the food got all hard and crusty!

Or just tell them that if they expect you to work as their maid, you expect them to pay you a wage for it...

Number 5 is right, speak up about it, and number 6 is also good on advice if they don't listen. Whoever these "able bodied" men are they seem to need a lesson in respect

You should have told them to get off their lazy butts and cleaned them! That is ridiculous!

Don't do the dishes. Leave it I'm the sink. When they said that there's a sink full of dishes for you. You should of told them oh yeah? Well I won't be cleaning them.