By Anonymous - 13/01/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, I worked a full day and then went to a three-hour class. I got home at 9 PM, and before the door closed I heard, "There's a sink full of dishes for you." There are three able-bodied men in the house, all of whom got here hours ago and created that sink full of dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 897
You deserved it 4 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geekemo92 0

Let me guess-you did them? That is why they expect you to do them-you let them push you around like that. Tell them to do them.

if you did the dishes then YDi for being a pushover and letting them treat you like a doormat. I hope you had some self respect and also treated them like capable people by refusing to do them and let them do them- unless of course you all take turns and it was your turn


roydawgg 3

have these men heard of paper plates and plastic cups? and no I do not give a flying shit about the ozone layer or the environment.

So you posted this on FML instead of cleaning the dishes? Bitch get to it!

Offer to have sex with the guy who does the best job cleaning that day. You get laid every night and never have to do housework again. Win-win.

get to work sweet ****. those dishes aren't going to clean themselves.

Arisakentaro 0

If you then went ahead and did them, you absolutely deserve it, for being an enabling pushover. Stop whining about it on the Internet, and start actually standing up for yourself like a mature independent human being.

That is sooooooo funny my bf n I live with his parents till we're finished college and everyday we come home we hear the exact same thing we both work full time and go to school full time I share ur pain