By Sam - 26/09/2011 11:46 - Australia

Today, in a desperate attempt to get my business "out there", I dropped a few of my cards on a station floor. I got a call, even a quote. A $500 fine from the transit for public littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 278
You deserved it 35 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How stupid are you? Are you in the habit of reading trash? No, and neither is anyone else. Your plan was idiotic, and you got exactly what you deserved - no new customers, and $500 out of your pocket.


maui3 0

I don't think you are the first one to come up with that brilliant idea :). ;) now you're really out there, go smart one. Sorry I didn't think of the same thing. Just won't do it in that same area. But hey..... Going there !!!

daydreamer244 13

you sure had a good idea there.

BLAH562 0

I would of been better to just tape them to the wall or something of that nature

So they pick you out of the hundreds of people who litter in filthy subway stations..? Cool.

Damn that SUCKS. Good luck with your business though, times are tough

I laughed for a few minutes perdix. No matter how much time you waste on Fml making people laugh and smile totally worth it. Karma will come your way (man)?

mnkyc_mnkydo 5

I dont know maybe the cards had her contact info on them and someone may have saw her drop them, just a thought.

Sam, it appears that you've forgotten that you're dealing with ShittyRail... might have been a better idea to pin the card up on a community noticeboard near where you live/work or just hand out the card to people.

You're not supposed to drop all 200 of them.

Why would someone just drop all of them? Are you stupid? Do you sped your life reading garbage? I sure don't.

... That was the best you could do? FYI, I don't make a habit of picking up bits of paper on a grotty train/bus station floor and reading them... You'd do better just handing them to people!