By Sam - 26/09/2011 11:46 - Australia

Today, in a desperate attempt to get my business "out there", I dropped a few of my cards on a station floor. I got a call, even a quote. A $500 fine from the transit for public littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 277
You deserved it 35 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How stupid are you? Are you in the habit of reading trash? No, and neither is anyone else. Your plan was idiotic, and you got exactly what you deserved - no new customers, and $500 out of your pocket.


Anyone could have dropped those cards there

cmabmb112210 0

Great plan someone is going to be looking at the ground and be like omg a business card I'm gonna call this guy uhmm just kidding

I'm afraid you deserve it. Use the Internet to get noticed!

Why on earth would you think throwing them on the ground would do you any good? That's just lacking in common sense. You should have pinned them up somewhere or handed them out or something.

You should of spent that $500 on a marketing course