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By crying over wasted milk - 14/08/2019 17:00 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, in a fit of jealousy, my 10 year-old unplugged my freezer and lifted the lid before bed. It’s over 80°F in my garage. Now, my entire supply of breast milk is destroyed. Not only do I not have enough stored to feed my own baby, I was also donating to local hospitals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 400
You deserved it 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Your 10 year old is an asshole. Lots of kids act out, only a small number intentionally destroy valuable things. Good luck with that, you're probably raising a sociopath.

LadyRen 20

Kids can be jealous but to destroy your baby’s’s like saying he wants the baby to die of starvation since he knowingly destroyed it’s food...(and the food of other babies since you were donating) You need to discipline him and explain why a new baby doesn’t take away from him if you want to stop this. That’s not normal jealously.


tounces7 27

Your 10 year old is an asshole. Lots of kids act out, only a small number intentionally destroy valuable things. Good luck with that, you're probably raising a sociopath.

idk I feel like if the kid was a sociopath he would have just poisoned the milk as opposed to just letting it spoil.

tounces7 27

Spoiled milk is poisonous. Perhaps he had planned to plug it back in if she hadn't noticed. After all - he left the door open so that they would warm up and spoil much faster. Or, you know, he's only 10 so he's not quite yet creative enough to murder someone like that...

LadyRen 20

Kids can be jealous but to destroy your baby’s’s like saying he wants the baby to die of starvation since he knowingly destroyed it’s food...(and the food of other babies since you were donating) You need to discipline him and explain why a new baby doesn’t take away from him if you want to stop this. That’s not normal jealously.

icalledhisname 12

Ugh, I know how awful that feels. Losing breast milk is beyond sad. And I also have a strong willed daughter who does crazy crap on purpose. Parenting them is hard. You aren’t alone, OP.

Kids can be selfish and inconsiderate jerks. Raising them is not all rainbows and unicorns. I just hope he learns a lesson from all of this.

Your 10-year-old is a brat that needs his ass popped. Jealous or not, that is not okay.

Vesi 29

And physically abusing a kid only teaches it to use physical abuse when emotionally unstable. There are better ways of handling the situation but I definitely agree therapy with a seriously good child psychologist is necessary in this case.

Send that little shit off to military school!

TomeDr 24

Discipline, yes, and you might want to consider therapy. If he’s this bad now, he will be a NIGHTMARE when he hits puberty!

little shit needs to be shown how it feels to not have those nutrients. Nothing but brown rice for food till your supply builds up

I'd ground the kid for about two months. And use that time to make sure he understands WHY he can't play video games or access the Internet without parental controls.