By tsu3 - 16/11/2009 15:14 - Germany

Today, after spending about 5 years to go back to school, get my life together and get a real job, I now make about $100 less a month. I used to work as a dishwasher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 483
You deserved it 2 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't just go back to school, and start a new job at the top. When you start a new career, you have to work your way up. You should be glad you got your education and you have a job at all.

That is why I am scared to go back to school. Not worth it with all the school bills.


bugmenotmofo 34

You could make $100 dollars a month doing this:

Rofl, 100 dollars a month, nobody's going go to that. Haha.

__no_one__ 0

OP, I take it you majored in the humanities?

and just think... they've even raised minimum wage since then too.

You don't just go back to school, and start a new job at the top. When you start a new career, you have to work your way up. You should be glad you got your education and you have a job at all.

Not id you're a sociology major like OP.

Be thankful you have a job and do the best you can. Someday it will pay off if you put your mind to it.

That is why I am scared to go back to school. Not worth it with all the school bills.

An education is always worth it. At the start like the OP you have a crap job but you'll progress quickly and more efficiently than those without an education.

ovyind 0

Remember the recession, that job probably makes less than you do now, and if they don't; at least you'll work your way up ;)

Join the military. They're recession-proof.

voveraite 7

Um, just felt like reminding: OP is from Germany. That is, most probably he got free education. Joining the military is not too popular of an option either... It's the time he lost and the high hopes. But chin up, OP, perhaps a promotion is not that far ahead!

A quick Wikipedia search tells me that military service is mandatory in Germany. I guess he didn't enjoy it too much. Maybe we should have mandatory enrollment in the US. Then we would stop abusing our soldiers so much.

voveraite 7

By not popular, I meant it's not chosen as a carreer often. Also, it is mandatory to CHOOSE between military and civil service (for a year more or less). Most choose the latter (e.g. working in a nursing home, etc)

"mandatory" means that 50% of the ones who are defined by law to have to do military service, don't have to, because the "mandatory" service is not really working...

He's from Germany, education is dirt cheap here. FYL, I know that our economy sucks, but better a job than none at all. I hope the new government will actually put some of their promises into reality, I doubt it though. Than again Kindergeld will be risen in January. YAY FDP/CDU