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By SadDad - 06/03/2009 01:51 - United States

Today, in a very crowded public restroom at a sporting arena, after looking to the man using the urinal to his right, my 6 year old son turns to address me on his left and exclaims, "Daddy, that man's wiener is a lot bigger than yours!" The whole bathroom heard and looked immediately at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 327
You deserved it 4 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My_Little_Pony 0

Some things you just can't make an excuse for.

It's ok, some people are show-ers and some are growers.


My_Little_Pony 0

Some things you just can't make an excuse for.

or like your stupid name because the gators are gay

Or like the fact that my wiener is bigger than all of yours......

subiedude08 17

Are u guys done with your **** contest?

Shake your dicks, this pissing contest is over.

It's ok, some people are show-ers and some are growers.

true true and it Couldve Bern cold lol

I don't think the bathroom is where showers show their showing, but, if urinals are what they're into...

Ouch. Thats gotta hurt. Well.. you know what they say. Out of the mouths of babes and all that. But then again as a man of average size I can tell you that skill in the bedroom does not always equate to the size of your dick.

icall_BS 0

Damn right! Indians have the smallest penises yet they are the horniest and do some crazy shit in bed.

"American women they use the mouth and you no use the mouth" -raj the snake you was a snake prank call victim

oh man , kids say the darnest things huh

There are pills to solve that problem

Those pills aren't supposed to be taken unless you're planning on having sex though and they are also typically used to solve the problem of having erectile dysfunction. The fact that he is in the men's bathroom and has a son makes me think he isn't gay, so I highly doubt he was planning to have any sort of sexual contact in that bathroom. Especially with his son in there as well. Please keep stupid comments to yourself.

It ain't the size that matters son. It's what it does to you when mommy's at work that counts. ;)

musu_fml 0

#8 Are you really asking that question? Let's recap; father and son are both using urinals. The curious kid has peeked over at a strangers penis and seen it. Would you like a minute to make the mental leap required to work out how the kid could possibly have seen his father's penis some time previously? Psst, I'll give you a clue; perhaps, shock horror, the father and son have used urinals before, and the kid peeked somewhere slightly different.

babex21 0

hahahahah wait hahhahahahahhah