By SadDad - 06/03/2009 01:51 - United States

Today, in a very crowded public restroom at a sporting arena, after looking to the man using the urinal to his right, my 6 year old son turns to address me on his left and exclaims, "Daddy, that man's wiener is a lot bigger than yours!" The whole bathroom heard and looked immediately at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 307
You deserved it 4 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My_Little_Pony 0

Some things you just can't make an excuse for.

It's ok, some people are show-ers and some are growers.


TryToBeKind 0

This is where you tell your child not to look at other people's privates. If he doesn't listen, show no sympathy when he gets his ass beat in gym class. He'll learn.

thinkpink 0

haaa #22 that'd be so funny

sandj_fml 0

Try taking EX-TENZ. Just a thought!

#22: And added "ooooh I'm not bitter" ;-)

Froghop 0

I'd be creeped out that the man next to my son was probably having an erection while using the urinal

Just tell him if it didn't work, he wouldn't be here.

Assmilk 0

Well that's one way to tell your son's gay....