By Anonymous - 12/12/2012 20:48 - United States - Charlotte

Today, in art class, our instructor called me up to the front to model for a drawing. I agreed to pose because it was nice to be called on, and I needed a self-esteem boost. He then thanked me, saying it's a great exercise for the class to draw such strange proportions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 190
You deserved it 2 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he was trying to hint you have humungous boobs... Just sayin...

ChubiAlina 6

I'm sorry to hear that OP. You're professor is really inconsiderate to say that about you.


Honestly, op, as someone who has taken many drawing classes, including life drawing, I would much rather draw someone with curves and unique proportions than something close to "perfection". Take it as a compliment! Many of my classmates felt the same way too.

We'll I guess when you need self-esteem boosts, and you don't like your strage proportions, you could get in shape and get asked to model some other time because by then you'll be better looking.

Hey. So I'm the OP and that is not only a very douchey thing to say, but it is also very ignorant. I am very in shape and "odd proportions" doesn't have to mean fat. I am actually rather slim and athletic because I am a varsity swimmer. I just have a large rib cage, muscular thighs, broad shoulders, and what is called a "swimmers back". All of that is contrary to the proportions of most girls my age.

I am also a TEENAGE GIRL. Even grown women can use a self esteem boost every now an then.

That sum' a ditch! He is a peepeehead! :P

grashopper8 7

Your professor is an asshole.

Being a former art student myself I must admit this shocked me. Our teachers were not aloud to say anything like that about our models. But then, they were strangers hired to model for us. One nude male and one female in shorts and tank top. This was very cruel from your teacher, very unprofessional too! I bet you look lovely op! Be proud of your own unique body