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Leg day

By humiliated - 14/01/2011 16:28 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend asked me to come with her to the art building at school so I could pose in the stance of a figure she was drawing for her exam. I obliged and sat for the pose. When the art teacher walked by, she looked at me, then at the sketch, pointed to the legs, and said, "Make them fatter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 939
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainPat 0

doesn't mean you have fat legs. maybe he just gave you stick legs an d the art teacher was helping him. art teachers say things like that

Well, it has to be realistic. It's weird that her teacher is giving her hints btw, shouldn't she do her exam all on her own?


ashk8n 0

don't take it personally! they see everything that's what makes them good artists! she wasn't implying that your fat! she should have said a different word!

this doesn't mean that she has fat legs the artist could just have had made her legs smaller

NoelZ 0

hide yo kids hide yo wide cause they feedin errbody round here

lilandy1942 0

lmao lmao almost pissed myself when I read this!!! the best comment :-)

Run and tell that, run and tell that, home boy home home home boy.

LightningLadyy 0

Haha dayum. Well, you know bitches will be bitches...

Well, it has to be realistic. It's weird that her teacher is giving her hints btw, shouldn't she do her exam all on her own?

The model who had to come has maybe a better proportioned body. Maybe the sketch is partly graded on proportions. So since the situation is exceptional, she had to help her.

An art exam is different than a regular exam. It's generally more of a group critique that evaluates the progress of the student over the period of the class. The exam piece is generally worked on for a significant amount of time over a week or so instead of completed in one class. The teacher and other students can give input and make suggestions for improvement. It's not the same as just giving someone the answer, because the final product is still a product of the artist's skill, and the aim is greater proficiency, not a single solution.

ilovepandaz 2

well they have to draw what they see u know

CaptainPat 0

doesn't mean you have fat legs. maybe he just gave you stick legs an d the art teacher was helping him. art teachers say things like that

UpsidedownKayak 9

OP, don't draw too many conclusions about what the teacher said and don't let yourself become blue. The teacher was probably green with envy of your beauty, just brush it off. If you don't feel comfortable doing that again, don't let your friend paint you into a corner. If your friend poses that question again you can always picture the humiliation you felt and respectfully decline.

hpfan777 0

Maybe the legs just looked like stick figure legs, so she just meant to proportion them correctly.

Yeah, this isn't a big deal, your friend has to learn to draw more proportionately. Her proportions were too narrow, this does not mean you are fat. If you can't deal with the teacher's honest critique, you probably shouldn't model in the future.