By Anonymous - 12/12/2012 20:48 - United States - Charlotte

Today, in art class, our instructor called me up to the front to model for a drawing. I agreed to pose because it was nice to be called on, and I needed a self-esteem boost. He then thanked me, saying it's a great exercise for the class to draw such strange proportions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 190
You deserved it 2 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he was trying to hint you have humungous boobs... Just sayin...

ChubiAlina 6

I'm sorry to hear that OP. You're professor is really inconsiderate to say that about you.


oj101 33

Well, I have to at least give you credit for being brave enough to do it. I, and most people would never do it. Perhaps he meant you were skinny, or were voluptuous and have big boobs/hips/ass

Hey at least you had the balls to go up there and do it. Most people would shy away from it.

carminecris89 13

You should confront your teacher about it. He's a dick and that's pretty hurtful. Something should be said about it. Sorry op. that really sucks.

OhDearBetrayal 25

"Professor, you indirectly called me ugly when I know for a fact I'm beautiful. My mother tells me that everyday, but I need you to recognize that too because I depend on reassurance from other people."

51 - I don't think 23 meant it in a "How dare you not recognize my beauty?" sort of way. It sounds to me like they just meant OP should give the teacher a heads-up that those sorts of comments can be taken as rude, even if that's not the intention. I know if I said something that came out rude when I hadn't meant it to, I would want someone to let me know so I wouldn't do it again. Maybe that's just me?

carminecris89 13

51 Don't be a twat. What the teacher said was wrong. A teacher shouldn't be remarking in a students appearance at all. It's rude to insinuate op looks weird. It's perfectly legitimate to bring to the teachers attention that the comment was hurtful and unnecessary.

60 - Who's to say the teacher didn't mean it in a non-hurtful manner? Just like 2 says

60 - it's rude to call someone a twat for stating their opinion. You twat. Lol

You should tell someone like the principle. That was not called for, your teacher is a dick and should get in trouble. Stay strong gorgeous, I bet you're beautiful! xo

"strange proportions" doesn't necessarily mean they're bad. It just means you aren't a cookie cutter model. No one with average features has ever been extraordinarily beautiful anyway.

perdix 29

The good news is that you are not fat! Fat lardasses represent the new standard proportions. I'm curious: Do you have a midget torso and long spindly legs, or a long torso and Welsh Corgi, stubby legs like Michael Phelps? Or do you have a big, bulbous head?

maybe it was a characature or they drew you differently to how you look as practice..? Otherwise that is mean and take no notice!

I don't think he meant to insult your attractiveness, nor to complement it. I think he just meant exactly what he said. I bet he was fascinated by your proportions in an artistic fashion. Besides, in Moomin Valley, the strangely proportioned Ice Queen is considered almost mythically beautiful. (I tried to insert a link, but it seems FML won't post comments that contain links. Google "Moomin Ice Queen" if you're interested =) )