By Anonymous - 21/04/2013 05:07 - United States

Today, in my rush to do my hair and get to work, I managed to trip over my dog, hit my eye on the counter, and sprain my ankle. I arrived at work with a black eye and a painful limp. My boss didn't care, and fired me for showing up late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 685
You deserved it 7 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Its always a good idea to wake up a little earlier so you won't have to rush anywhere.

it's rare that you get fired for being late once, especially if you call to let them know what's happened. I think there is more to the story that OP isn't taking responsibility for.

JoeCookieRaider 5

Sorry, OP. someone has to catch the bad luck for the rest of us.

lol should've called in sick... you would still have a job

Haha just like that spongebob episode where spongebob open hes toothpaste and got a black eye .

I guess it all depends on what your job was, OP. If it was something rather important, it would have been smarter to wake up at an earlier time in order to get ready. If not, your boss should have just let your tardiness slide. Either way, FYL.

WildChildBX 3

UMMM you need to wake up earlier.

venomousddog 19

Well, let's hope your next boss is more understanding, and Sorry to hear about your injuries, it made me cringe, I don't know how your boss had no sympathy for you