By SaveMeTeddy - 16/10/2013 18:48 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, it hit me that I'm incredibly pathetic, when at the age of 21, I tucked my stuffed animals into bed with me, facing in different directions so they could keep watch for monsters while I slept. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 108
You deserved it 16 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pathetic? Hardly! Those monsters under the bed are only slightly scarier than the ones in the closet. It's a damned good thing you have such good protection.

josebaseball11 14

Well if you haven't been attacked by monsters yet, then they're doing a good a job.


Awh, that's actually kind of adorable.

Pathetic? You got your homies to protect you through the night!

That's not pathetic... It's actually kinda cute. :D

I had a strong bond with my stuffed toys as they protected me in the night. I felt terrible when i found out my dad had put my favourite toy in the washing machine. I thought he had drowned him which reduced his protecting ability and so at the age of 11 he no longer lived in my bed.

I feel sorry for your toy... How could you just abandon it like that :( It has feelings!

Dranide 4

I think that's incredibly attractive baybee

My question is, would it stop the nightmares? Maybe the monsters around us are what causes us to have nightmares/ night terrors :0

Oh, you're not pathetic! I would still keep my stuffed animals on my bed with me at night too but when I moved in with my fiancé he made me pack them away =( I still feel awful thinking about them being stuck in boxes!

Stand up to him! Let him know what they mean to you. Maybe he'll understand. Can't hurt to talk to him about it right?


Maybe you could compromise and keep them beside the bed? I used to have mine on the bed too. But with both of us in it, the animals get smooshed. So we keep them close. :) P.S. I'm 20 and my boyfriend buys me a stuffed animal for every holiday.