By Amberizzle - 26/09/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, it is my three-year-anniversary with my boyfriend. I asked if he had planned anything for us, and he said yes. My parents volunteered to watch our daughter, I got all excited, and apparently our "plans" are to watch a football game. What do I get to do? Make sandwiches. For him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 872
You deserved it 8 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spaceranger33 0

i have to at least commend the guy for staying with you for 3 years and raising a kid with you despite not making any long term commitment like marriage

fbp6277 0

You guys are kind of assholes. She doesn't have to marry the guy to have kids. Marriage isn't right for some people. Just because someone has a kid with someone without getting married doesn't mean the kid is going to be ****** up. It's better to have the people not get married then to get married and always fight around the kid. People should quit being so judgemental.


Gianna6363 0

It's women like you that are the reason men do this type of shit. Next time you'll plan something, won't you?

If you wanted something special done for your made-up arbitrary holiday then YOU should have planned it. An “Anniversary” implies that two people are married and are celebrating that day – you aren’t married, there is no anniversary thus really no reason to celebrate. If you want to celebrate your love, do it with something small… like in this case, you could have not complained about making sandwiches and let your boyfriend watch the game in peace! Nothing says ‘I love you” more than accepting someone and respecting their hobbies, likes and interests. These made-up holidays are total B.S.

seems like he used "sudo make sandwich -f" on you.

seminoles82 0

You deserve it...Don't always make the guy bring the romance in a relationship or you will end up doing what he wants all the time... Hint to all women, do something for us sometimes, it's a two way street.

he's a ****** loser who doesn't appreciate the girl he's got...gtfo of that relationship!

Dump him. You deserve better. My ex was like that.

anonymousely 0

Who is the idiot that said that soccer/futbol was boring to watch? Are you kidding me? It's the only sport worth watching. Tennis, baseball, GOLF, basketball, and football are all TERRIBLE and extremely boring to watch. Tennis and golf, especially. American football is just stupid and the stupid US Americans [yes I am one] need to stop ******* obsessing over such bs

what a keeper..shows so clearly his love and committment for you

I don't see nothing wrong here, it's a little thing called nature