By Anonymous - 14/08/2012 18:12 - United States - San Jacinto

Today, it's garbage day. My mom accidentally threw away a receipt she needed to return something and told me to go get it. While I was looking for it, a cop gave me hell for "stealing recyclables on private property." This all happened in my front lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 921
You deserved it 1 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatpeachyperson 12

You should have given him hell for being on your lawn.


Well when cops annoy you, try to keep in mind that they have to keep the country safe and fair, even if it means bitching someone out for something as stupid as that. Sorry though, OP, that must have annoying and stupid!

doglover100 28

It's her receipt, she should have gotten it herself.

America, the police state. That cop had no right to yell at you.

Well if he hadn't, it wouldn't be a police state numnutz.

desertrose415 8

They actually did have that right, until OP told him that they live there. Digging through other people's trash actually is illegal, contrary to what half the people commenting seem to think.

All you had to say was "California" and we could have figured you had an FML.

Just be glad that some psychopath didn't scream "GARBAGE DAY!" and shoot you in the chest.

unless you know for a fact the cop saw you walk out of your house i wouldn't say ****** up cop. you don't know where he was previously at he might have just came from patrolling a more dangerous area and didn't want stuff happening. Also on another note no offense but ive been to cali ( i saw that's where its from) and when in L.A (i don't know if that's where it took place) but i saw a lot of people out there on all the streets that looked either homeless or about to mug you. That was during the day so i wouldn't give them to hard of a time if they are just doing their job.

I get the feeling OP was probably being an ass. If they simply told the cop it was their house he would have just moved along.

You're the 3rd moron on this sight thinking cops have "quotas." Cops, at least here in Chicago, have NO ticket quotas. Also, from what I've read most cops have no " quotas" to make.