By catlady - 09/01/2012 16:56 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my anniversary. I've been a single cat-lady for exactly one year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 778
You deserved it 8 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better stay single than to be in an unhappy relationship.

That is a terrible attempt at a joke, spelling, and grammar.....all in one.


perdix 29

Slip them some catnip and maybe you'll get lucky;) Rawr!

Most people seem to like dogs more, get dogs instead of cats and maybe you'll become the single lady who has dogs AND a boyfriend! :D I wish you luck! Keep your head up! At least your kittys love you!

It's not that people like dogs more but that you have to walk them. That not only gets you in better shape but it forces you to talk with people interested in your dog. That is more likely to end up with you meeting someone because if it. Cats are great company but they won't get you laid like a dog can.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Single with a boyfriend... Wait... I don't... What?

I'm saying she'll forever be know as the single cat lady.. Never mind.. Ugh.

I obviously will have to start to since most people lack wanting to think a bit deeper into things, I apologize.

13- exactly!! If i were a lonely single person i would totally buy a bunch of cute little puppies instead of cats (well I'm allergic to cats but If i wasn't I would still get dogs!) cause you wouldn't have to clean a litter box :D

You are exactly right 124 . . . But instead you would have to walk around the yard and pick up their shit, and since there are multiple dogs in question here, that is A LOT of shit!

Haha I'm pretty sure all dogs don't do this but my neighbor's dog eats his own shit..lucky them!!! But yeah I guess that's the bad part about having a dog

Is the OP saying that she's been SINGLE for a year with cats, or that she's been single for a lot longer, but got a cat/cats a year ago making her a cat lady? If it's the first one, it's really not so bad being single for a single year. I was single for years before meeting up with my recent BF. I don't understand why people get so freaked out or depressed when they don't have a significant other. You really shouldn't base your happiness on whether you're in a relationship or not, that could lead to you putting yourself in bad relationships just so you can say you are in one.

Agree, but we are not the same and some of us just need someone we can trust, who we can hug and kiss and just feel great with him/her and knowing someone likes/loves us. Sure its possible to be single and happy (at least i try to be happy) but with someone, its always many times better :)

I know people are different, that doesn't change the fact that it's not healthy to base happiness or self-worth on the fact that one has a significant other or not. Plenty of bad situations come from it, and on the occasions where one cannot find a significant other for whatever reason, it can seriously impede one's own daily life and emotions. Having a significant other can make life better, but that doesn't mean that one's life should be "bad" or "unhappy" without that significant other in the first place. I just couldn't imagine requiring someone else to validate my life I suppose, which is what it sounds like a lot of people want out of having a significant other.

Matty1188 6

I agree. Besides, already being happy and comfortable with yourself is much more attractive.

I agree with you 31. I've watched friends, siblings & even my daughter get into relationships just for the status of being in one. Watching as she went from happy to super depressed as all the guys only wanted her for sex & she gave in just so she could say she had a BF, all the while claiming nothing was wrong & how happy she sad.

Stop throwing your cats at me you crazy catlady!!

beddington 7

Where did you meet this fine cat!? Zoosk? eHarmony?

Yet you have a picture of 3 dogs for your profile pic?

No did you ever watch that eHarmony video of some girl crying cause she loved cats to much?

desireev 17

21- It looks like you LOVE DocBastard and Perdix a little too much too.. Kiiiiiinndaaa weeeeirrrrrd.... Jusssayin....

I love cats, I love every kinda cat; I just wanna hug all of them, but I can't, can't hug every cat! Songify This!! :D

Cats are easier to take care of than dogs

SmittyJA24 26

Cats are horribly destructive. They claw the crap out of the furniture & clothing, and cat piss is much more difficult to clean out (the smell) than dog piss.

I like dogs better! I'm allergic to cats so that's obviously part of the reason but yeah they both have good things and bad things about them

cats are not dirty or destructive as long as you care for them and give them outlets such as toys and scratching posts. and for the one saying you're allergic to cats but you'd have dogs....guess what both have dander and THAT'S what causes allergies. not the species. genius.

Uhm you're obviously stupid...I'm allergic to cats. That's it. I have a dog and I'm not allergic to it

I've been single for 6 and a half years, and I know people my age who have never had a relationship. 1 year is nothing.

520kzk 2

But you are 19... So you have been single since 14 or so? And I know plenty of people who don't date on the grounds of being young not because they can't find someone. It's not that uncommon.

yeah exactly. But some of the folk my age (as of recently myself included) don't date anyone purely because they struggle to find someone :L.

desireev 17

114- You said in this comment "as of recently myself" referring to YOU.. But in your original comment, you said you've been single for 6 1/2 years.. So what's the truth??

both. I only recently started trying again. Thanks for the concern :).

Horcruxer 0

Single for one year? Very good attention seeking.