By mckenna9797 - 07/09/2016 11:16 - United States
mckenna9797 tells us more.
Hey everyone, OP here. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. I called my friends and got it rescheduled for Saturday luckily, although one or two might not be able to. As for my mom, she had a joint account with me due to when I was 17, and I just haven't gotten to it to change it to just me when I turned 18 last year, because she usually never does this. My mom does seem to like my brother more than me which is a little messed up but she usually respects me and treats me very well. She's a nice person and decent parent, but a little weird sometimes. She didn't have any money to spend on his birthday due to just paying rent for the month with her paycheck. She did however have no right to use my money or cancel my plans. That was uncalled for and definitely not right. As for the gun itself as a present to my brother, he's turning 23 and just got back from a year deployment to Germany. She wanted to do something special for him and he really wanted a mosin nagant rifle for a couple years now. I would have bought it for him honestly if. she asked because I get paid tomorrow. I hope that answers all your questions!
Top comments
I really hope OP's mom was setting OP up for a surprise party they wouldn't have to pay for...
Hey everyone, OP here. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. I called my friends and got it rescheduled for Saturday luckily, although one or two might not be able to. As for my mom, she had a joint account with me due to when I was 17, and I just haven't gotten to it to change it to just me when I turned 18 last year, because she usually never does this. My mom does seem to like my brother more than me which is a little messed up but she usually respects me and treats me very well. She's a nice person and decent parent, but a little weird sometimes. She didn't have any money to spend on his birthday due to just paying rent for the month with her paycheck. She did however have no right to use my money or cancel my plans. That was uncalled for and definitely not right. As for the gun itself as a present to my brother, he's turning 23 and just got back from a year deployment to Germany. She wanted to do something special for him and he really wanted a mosin nagant rifle for a couple years now. I would have bought it for him honestly if. she asked because I get paid tomorrow. I hope that answers all your questions!
That Mosin-Nagant rifle only retails for about $100.
100 is a low end offer, I think. But if she wanted something special for her son, he'd get the whole setup, and the PU Scope to accompany it, which bumps the price up atleast 3-400, and that's if you're lucky. Unless they recently found a warehouse full of em that I'm not aware of.
I would've ripped her a new one she has no right and get to a bank soon OP you have to be able to take care of YOU not somebody else
First, happy birthday! Second, get a separate account from your mom because that's pretty messed up. And third, talk it out with her and tell her how you feel about all yhis
Interesting use of 'only'
I hope, good intentions or not, you called her out for trying to spend YOUR money on your brother for his birthday by cancelling your birthday plans, which presumably meant you get nothing. That's ******.
I mean I could've understood if she asked to save money from getting you a gift to get something more expensive for your brother, but to just disregard any feeling of you at all and actually cancel your party is otrocious
Nice one's range from 100-200. My dad's got 3.
I wouldn't get the hex barrel, I have one myself and you have to wrestle the thing to use it
Did she feel bad that she didn't get you anything at least? In a way she got you negative one presents, so next year you should get two!
I understand gun collecting, but three of the same gun? I honestly don't understand the point in that.
How did your mum handle your explanation and rescheduling?
OP, it it YOUR day. do what YOU want to do with your money! ur mom is nuts!
Happy Birthday to you too OP Cause it's mine too
1- Happy Birthday to a fellow Virgo. 2 - Your brother is also a Virgo. Clearly your parents were having a lot of fun around the new years (31 Dec till 14. Jan)...
I too am a Virgo. Sept 20tb.
No guns in my house!!!
Your gunless house is irrelevant.
It's your own damn money!
My brother has a mosin and I've gotten to shoot it quite a few times. It's amazing! Hope your brother lets you shoot it also! Happy birthday op!
Sounds to me that you now have one less person you need to buy dinner for! Once you rearrange it anyway.
Oops didn't see you'd rescheduled for Saturday! Enjoy your meal, OP! Happy birthday
Excuse me but WHAT? That is insane and hide your money. Some mothers are just crazy and very bad at that parenting thing.
Do what you want with your own money. Even though your mom cancelled your big dinner, you can still reschedule. And as for her, tell her she can buy the gun with her own money!