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By Anonymous - 07/09/2016 14:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I called my boyfriend and asked if he wanted to come watch a movie. He seemed eager, until I said I needed the company because my period had started. He then went dead silent, waited a few seconds before starting to fake-snore, then hung up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 464
You deserved it 2 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he wants something, do a fake-snore.

I'm sorry, I laughed way harder at that then I should have. Not because it happened, but because your boyfriend thought you'd actually buy it. I don't know if he has a reason behind it from past experiences or if he's just a jerk, but that honestly sucks, OP. I hope you feel better!


longbeck4 28
LevelupKid 8

says the girl that doesn't have one

Yeah he's a jerk. I know most people are quick to say "dump him" on FMLs but it may be justified this time

I completely agree. She's a human, not a pleasure bot that he can use whenever he wants. OP doesn't deserve someone like that, nobody does. :(

You're assuming this has to do with sex. You might be right but it might be that OP turns into a banshee during her period and her boyfriend doesn't want to be around that.

tounces7 27

I assume you're speaking of PMS. It's PRE-Menstrual syndrome. In other words, the whole banshee thing generally happens before a woman's period, not during.

Firstly, OP's boyfriend might not know that. Secondly some women get cranky on other parts of their cycle. Either way I'm not saying that OP's boyfriend isn't a jerk for the way he decided not to hang out with her. But let's not assume that it's cause he only wants sex.

If you can't, or won't, be around your significant other no matter how they're feeling, then what is the point of being in a relationship with them? Seriously, it doesn't matter if my boyfriend is angry, anxious, sad, or whatever, I will always be there for him, and he does the same for me, always has. All OP said is she wanted to have him there for comfort, does that sound like a raging bitch to you? OP's boyfriend is a jerk. If it was truly about how she acts when on her period. Then maybe he should COMMUNICATE and address that, so she knows how he feels, she can't read his mind. But he didn't do this, he basically avoided even talking to her after the mention of her period, which makes me think it was because he thought he wouldn't get sex. The whole endeavor, even just talking to her, was pointless to him at that point.

As I already said, I'm not saying he isn't a jerk. Just that it is an assumption that this is about sex. Nevermind, I'm obviously going to downvote hell for daring to challenge the narrative everyone else has already constructed about why this guy is an arsehole.

I actually agree with you. a) I agree ops boyfriend is a jerk for blowing her off like that and especially on such a ridiculous oh-look-im-6-again kinda way. b) We don't have any information though on the reason he did it, there is a **possibility** of extenuating circumstances. all I'm saying is that you can't decide for certain by only listening to one side of it. We have no clue what bf's version is - it's possible his version makes him a bigger jerk, but I'd rather not decide based on just this.

Dont agree , she s only using him when she needs him. She didnt want to watch a movie at all with him.

Next time he wants something, do a fake-snore.

Yes, fake-snore the next time he initiates sex

Yeah but think about how awkward it would be if he kept going anyways?

And in that situation, OP should "wake up" and shove him off. And start hitting and screaming if he still doesn't stop. Failing to stop sex when one partner isn't conscious isn't just "awkward," it'd be rape.

He deserves worse than that. Next time he asks for sex, oblige at first and get him all excited. Just when he's about to climax, THEN do a fake snore and leave him there. Works even better if you can get him to agree to handcuff his hands beforehand so he can't finish himself off.

I'm sorry, I laughed way harder at that then I should have. Not because it happened, but because your boyfriend thought you'd actually buy it. I don't know if he has a reason behind it from past experiences or if he's just a jerk, but that honestly sucks, OP. I hope you feel better!

You shouldn't have mentioned your period until he was at your house

No, her boyfriend should be supporting and help her instead of avoiding her because she's on her period.

Hey #8, can you please explain why she should have waited to tell him? Please, if you don't mind, walk me through your process so that I could learn how you reached the ridiculous conclusion?

Calm down agent #47, Im pretty sure it was a joke.

You should see this girl's other comments. She isn't funny

Netflix and relax wasn't what he was looking for...

heatherrr17 19

He should wAnna hang even if u can't have sex.. What a douche. The fake snoring thing is really funny though.

I doubt that not having sex was the full reason he did what he did.

What other reason could he possibly have, given the circumstances?

It's a bit on how some women's personalities during their period's. Not every person is after sex 100% of the time, you know.

Whis is this Downvoted ? I mean it's not wrong.

It's okay OP, next time he wants to do something, tease him really bad and then stop and give him severe blue balls.