By reallyman__639 - 13/12/2011 12:26 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend took me to dinner and near the end, he pulled out a long, rectangular box. Thinking it was a necklace, I got very excited. It was a wand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 560
You deserved it 17 504

Same thing different taste


yhur boyfriend rocks!!! :D mine would b like Thts nerdy -_-

When I read this I was expecting it to be a "dick in a box"

nameless5540 1

Dont be such a bit h about it. I went to harry potter world with my family and my gf is the hardest person to pick for. So thats all i could think of. And i still dont know if she loved or hated it

chubby_choco 17

D: I dunno, a necklace is pretty generic. The wand is kind of cute if you ask me...but hey, if it really upsets you that much, you could always make your relationship 'magically disappear.'

bleddyn13 1

Oh poor you for getting a thoughtful gift lol

kalibooboo 14

I'd be pretty happy if my boyfriend got me a wand :) Harry Potter, duhh!!

bellatrix0805 2

screw the necklace I'd rather the wand!