By reallyman__639 - 13/12/2011 12:26 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend took me to dinner and near the end, he pulled out a long, rectangular box. Thinking it was a necklace, I got very excited. It was a wand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 560
You deserved it 17 504

Same thing different taste


The FML at hand doesn't give us enough context. If the OP doesn't like Harry Potter, etc, then screw the boyfriend. But if she does, and was just getting her hopes up, then it's kinda her fault for being slightly selfish...

blackjewels 2

Are you dating a 12 year old??? Dump him and get a real man hun ;)

Says the guy with the deathly hallows as a profile picture. lol

Dude, I'd much rather have a wand than a necklace. consider yourself lucky.

erikath0mas998 4

I would love to have the wand. Harry potter forever

rciccone 0

use the wan to poof a new boyfriend! ^_^

QueenPerrywinkle 1

I would love it if someone gave me a wand :)

I'll trade you a necklace for the wand! It's nice that he thought of something original :)

... How is this FML?? I would been like "Marry me!"