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By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I forgot to take my wallet off the roof of my car and drove away, onto the highway. A man behind me began flashing his lights and waving his arms. I thought he was freaking out because I cut him off. I flipped him off. He was trying to tell me that all my money was flying down the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 701
You deserved it 84 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I thought he was freaking out BECAUSE I CUT HIM OFF" you admit fault and then you flip them off for it? YDI!

How can you leave your wallet on your car roof? YDI man, YDI.



FHisL he was trying to help u YDI

yeah, why put it up there? no pockets, really?

don't just assume that! That's what happens....

lnm701 0

Why would you put your wallet on the roof of your car in the first place?

How much road could $3.00 really cover.

"I thought he was freaking out BECAUSE I CUT HIM OFF" you admit fault and then you flip them off for it? YDI!

Oh, I haven't laughed this hard since I was a little girl. Thanks for that.

YDI for being a rude driver and cutting people off. I hope you lost a small fortune!

vers_fml 0

so you cut the guy off, and then he still was kind enough to help you, and then YOU flipped HIM off. jesus...i dont even know how you could expect sympathy.