By americanbln - 01/08/2011 08:44 - United States

Today, it's my boyfriend's birthday. His sister and I filled the air vents in his car with confetti so when he starts the car, it would blow all over him. In the process we lost the keys. The keys cost $200 to replace. Happy Birthday! FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 954
You deserved it 38 722

Same thing different taste

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today, my girlfriend lost my keys. when i got a new key, i found out my a/c vents were full of confetti. FML


l33tcharlie 0

well, ***** happen once in a while

"Shit happens" usually entails things that people don't do on purpose. Had Op been driving the car and been hit by a bus, that would be "shit happens." Had Op washed the car as a birthday present then a bird pooped on it, that would be "shit happens." It is "dumbasses happen" when your gf and sister steal your car keys and ruin your car.

Seriously? What if he didn't turn on the AC until, oh, I don't know, halfway down a main road? Could nobody forsee how badly wrong this could possibly go?

YouKnowJosh 0

Just imagine what would have happened if he had turned on the air conditioning while he was driving

dumb ass, how do you lose keys in a car? just clean out the confetti

Why didn't you just let him BLOW his load over you instead?

you tried to do something nice. I'd appreciate it.

sandmancometh 3

Key at dealer $200 Same key on EBay $18