By booboo300 - 03/04/2014 22:16 - Canada - Kanata
booboo300 tells us more.
Definitely not going to defend myself, it was a dumb thing to do. Although, I did whisper, not shout, an answer just to get my friend on the right track. I totally respect my teacher and it was the kind of whisper that probably would have been tried in any class with a hearing teacher as well. She was a great teacher and I think I learned better that way. There is a mix of deaf and hearing asl teachers at my school, though. It was amazing though, because she didn't respond to phones going off, people sneezing, people walking in late (until she saw them) and even the people bashing asl and deaf people in the hall one day.
Top comments
Did you still get away with it?
You do know that someone can be deaf and can still talk. Just because their ears don't work doesn't mean their voice Box doesn't too. And even if your teacher is deaf you shouldn't cheat. Cheating because you think they can't hear you is taking advantage of a disability. You gained major douche bag points.
Im going to go ahead and say that she probably surprised them with not being deaf because they finally had a chance to speak to her and she answered. My second ASL teacher was hearing while my first and all the lab workers are deaf. My hearing asl teacher would talk to us outside of class if we needed to call her for any thing about grades or not being able to make it (though she prefered video call but not everyone had their own computer or smart phone).
Good thing you didn't curse teacher.
Don't cheat.
wow! that's dedication
Audist. :/
Well that's awkward. YDI for cheating
You just went FULL Retard...