By booboo300 - 03/04/2014 22:16 - Canada - Kanata
booboo300 tells us more.
Definitely not going to defend myself, it was a dumb thing to do. Although, I did whisper, not shout, an answer just to get my friend on the right track. I totally respect my teacher and it was the kind of whisper that probably would have been tried in any class with a hearing teacher as well. She was a great teacher and I think I learned better that way. There is a mix of deaf and hearing asl teachers at my school, though. It was amazing though, because she didn't respond to phones going off, people sneezing, people walking in late (until she saw them) and even the people bashing asl and deaf people in the hall one day.
Top comments
If I were you, I wouldn't be surprised if my test got ripped up and I got a zero. You deserve it for assuming she was deaf and couldn't talk.
(A great many Deaf people can talk via sign. Also, a lot of Deaf people can speak aloud. People who lose their hearing after learning a spoken language often speak aloud with no "deaf accent" at all.)
I could never go that long without talking, more power to her!
You probably shouldn't assume that just because they teach ASL means that they're deaf
The teacher got you good.
YDI for trying to take advantage of someone else's disability (whether or not she actually was deaf.)
Definitely not going to defend myself, it was a dumb thing to do. Although, I did whisper, not shout, an answer just to get my friend on the right track. I totally respect my teacher and it was the kind of whisper that probably would have been tried in any class with a hearing teacher as well. She was a great teacher and I think I learned better that way. There is a mix of deaf and hearing asl teachers at my school, though. It was amazing though, because she didn't respond to phones going off, people sneezing, people walking in late (until she saw them) and even the people bashing asl and deaf people in the hall one day.
That is actually really cool to hear that she pulled that off. Maybe I missed this - why?
She did it because you learn the language better that way. It's like when french teachers don't let you speak english, or whatever your native language is. If we thought she could hear, we wouldn't try to sign our questions to her, but instead voice them, which doesn't really facilitate learning. It's also to prepare us for future courses because you have a fifty percent chance of getting a deaf asl teacher.
That's freaking awesome.
Wow shes definitely an awesome teacher! Most of us automatically react to phones ringing, people sneezing,etc. Kudos to her!
Based on what you said about not reacting to phones, sneezes & late people, I think it's far more likely that she is actually deaf but didn't talk the whole semester so you would learn better. I think it would be a full time job trying to keep up the roux of being deaf. It's not uncommon for deaf people to speak if they learned when they were younger; they just don't know what they sound like.
I wonder if she might be hard of hearing though... she may still have a hearing disability of some sort, like for high frequency sounds or something...
If my teacher did that when I was taking my sign classes I probably would scream
She "wouldn't hear you" screaming anyway
Many deaf people can speak too, especially those who are born hearing, don't assume.
Reread the FML please.
Well that's awkward. YDI for cheating
You just went FULL Retard...