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By Anonymous - 23/04/2015 12:28 - United Kingdom - Dundee

Today, it was my 18th birthday and I was told I couldn't get the night off work because a party of 34 had booked into the restaurant. It turned out my family had come in to 'celebrate' by making me wait on them. They were a nightmare, thought it was hilarious to be difficult, and didn't tip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 417
You deserved it 2 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a former waiter I feel your pain. It would be entirely within your rights to not speak to your family for several days.

Okay OP, I promise I'm not being sarcastic or mean when I say this: Happy birthday. I'm sorry your family were horrible to you, but you can get your own back soon!


mysteryguy3039 33

Well, happy birthday anyways :)

Okay OP, I promise I'm not being sarcastic or mean when I say this: Happy birthday. I'm sorry your family were horrible to you, but you can get your own back soon!

YourOpinionSucks 22
YourOpinionSucks 22

Not sure why I'm being thumbed down, but if someone could decipher the second sentence for me, that'd be great.

Swandive235 27

#2 means that she can get them back soon enough.

YourOpinionSucks 22

Thanks for the clarification. The wording was just a bit odd for me

I'm English, so maybe it's colloquial! I wasn't aware that, "get your own back" isn't that widely used.

I understood, but as you can tell from my pic I'm in love with British shows not just dr who and most of them are actually older cD

Where I live we usually say "get back at them" or sometimes just "get them back". I've never heard "get your own back" either, although I didn't find it too hard to guess what you meant :)

Oh_bother44 11

I thought when they said "get your own back" they meant like taking care of yourself (ie move out/be independent etc) as opposed to relying on family to "have your back". Like instead of "we've got your back" because the family obviously didn't... Soon OP can be on their own

It's safe to say your family is evil. But anyway, happy birthday OP!

As a former waiter I feel your pain. It would be entirely within your rights to not speak to your family for several days.

I would say until your family comes up with an over 20% tip for a party of 34 **** them. Or they really do something nice for you. Being the cause you working on your birthday and being asses about it isn't right.

I'd go with several weeks at least, but OP presumably lives with them (as I've never known anyone who's actually moved out the day they turned 18) and can't avoid interaction, especially if they're regularly as horrible to her as that. I mean, she probably doesn't live with all 34 of them, but still.

You have mean jerks for family members. This is terrible!

No, I think I would want to *speak* to them, really.

Welcome to adulthood. Time to stop getting your family presents.

Tell them to be nice to someone who handles their food, and ask if the drinks taste funny to them

Normally I would be all for this, but I wouldn't put it past OP's family to tell her boss and get OP fired.

Your family sounds like it's full of terrible people.

Yeah that's just awful hope O.P gets payback.

Your family sounds terrible. Happy birthday, OP.