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Words is hard

By purpletulip - 21/10/2016 01:35 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, my customer complained to me that there were no scallops in her dish when it was "clearly stated on the menu." Finally, after she ran out of breath, I had to show her that the menu said scallions. She didn't understand, screamed at me and then walked out on her bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 704
You deserved it 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like she just needed a poor excuse to not pay her bill.

Now I'm looking up scallion recipes and mentally replacing the word "scallion" with "scallop". These are actually pretty appetizing… Grilled scallops, garlic scallop noodles, extra flaky scallop pancakes, etc.


Sounds like she just needed a poor excuse to not pay her bill.

Self entitledness is humanity's Achilles' heel, it seems.

cootiequeen4444 11

More like customer ignorance is whip to a service workers back. can make the job a living hell at any given moment.

Now I'm looking up scallion recipes and mentally replacing the word "scallion" with "scallop". These are actually pretty appetizing… Grilled scallops, garlic scallop noodles, extra flaky scallop pancakes, etc.

I'm curious what the dish was, did it even make sense for her to think there was seafood in it?

Scallions are very complimentary to scallops in dishes, as scallions compliment the creamy texture of the scallops.

tounces7 27

Not sure why this was downvoted - as that is what the customer did, was commit theft, by not paying for something they'd already consumed. Ya'll realize the servers are the ones who pay for those meals that customers walk out on, right?

species4872 19

In Australia scallops is the general term usually attributed to potato scallops, Thin slices of potato dipped in batter then deep fried. Get them from the local fish and chip shop.

In America, scallops are weaponized, thinly sliced potatoes with a grenade launcher and laser sights.

Ahhh, the joys of customer service. Where customers cannot handle their stupidity being exposed, no matter how politely it's done. Hopefully your boss isn't the type to pin the bill on you :/

I've said it before and I'll say it again. People who have to face other people like in retail, tech support, customer care, receptions et al don't get paid enough. Sometimes I want to shoot 3 people in the line ahead of me for asking stupid, really stupid questions or treating other people badly. Some people were born without manners, and then some went ahead and did a PhD in being a Pretty Huge Dik.