By Shauna - 10/11/2012 09:02 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my birthday. I finally got the PS3 I've been asking for, for a long time. When I opened the box, I didn't find a PS3, but a bunch of clothes that my mom put in my brother's PS3 box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 037
You deserved it 4 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't think I'd want to buy a second copy of the same game system either. Learn to share.

Oh! Seriously? That's cruel! I've raised 4 kids & I would never do that! Now, I'll take a box for say a vacuum and put a PS 3 in it but, not what your Mom did! That's just mean! I'm sorry, OP! Happy birthday, anyway!

can't you get a job. that's how l bought my ps2(10yr), xbox 360(12), pc(13), ps3(14), 32 hd tv(16), and i bought my 30th ps3 game some days ago. well finding jobs for me is easy because of where l live, and l'm 17 now. an example of work, today l milked 16 cows, X2 times, and work time of ca 6 hours.

Is there some reason why you and your brother can't play the same PS3? This is seriously a first world problem. My mother would have slapped the taste out of my mouth if I suggested she buy me and my siblings all our own gaming systems.

FeroniaMoonscyth 2
carminecris89 13

Wow, your moms disgusting. That kind of mislead is just cruel. I remember that viral video of the kid whose parents bought him socks and put them in an Xbox box. Microsoft thought that was so cruel they sent him one. I don't understand people saying op is greedy, or acting forgiving for the mother. It's cruel and misleading. The intent is only to hurt. It's almost as bad as the fake lottery prank people do.