By CWoah - 14/09/2009 15:17 - Canada

Today, it was my court date for a car accident I was involved in back in July. I had spent months preparing a case to prove my innocence. I was scheduled to appear at 10:00 this morning. I woke up at 10:15AM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 036
You deserved it 69 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the "months" you spent totaled no more than *two* months.

YDI for not setting your alarm, or for sleeping through it.


catherine42 0

Wait, they woke up at 10:00? I'm pretty sure that most people wake up naturally once the sun has been up for four hours. Unless, of course, he had a hangover or stayed up until about two...

lol i wish my brain had an internal clock that told me the sun was up. i have heavy curtains :]

dmmcintyre3 8

I'll sleep to 2PM if I don't have an alarm

cheetahboo2010 5

FYL, but honestly if it was that important to you, you'd make sure to wake up on time for it.

Agreed, if he really cared about this he'd make sure the alaram was set even maybe setting his alarm clock and cellphone if he has one.

I feel sooooo sorry for you, but it kinda is your fault! Sure something could've gone wrong, but wouldn't your body wake itself up way early out of anxiety and anticipation? Regardless, good luck getting out of this whole thing!

YDI for trying to prove your innocence. unless you live outside the US

cheese1756 0

He lives in Canada. That's why I like Guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt in the US. If it is something you didn't commit, you win the case.

Gesq1 0

Not in civil claims. In laypeople terms, the standard is "more likely than not" or "51% or more likely."

your an idiot...why didnt you set your alarm?

There's something called...uhhh... And alarm clock! Thats it! I hears it is quite useful.

wtf_this_sux 0

u know an alarm clock could have made that eaiser or even asking some1 to wake u up.... hmm i would have never thought of those... w8 i did.

You know what's funny, OP? You! You're funny! Hahahahahaha

HEYYY! GET UPPP! GET LOUDDD! START PUMPIN' UP THE PARTY NOW! Yep, that's what I wake up to. Every morning.