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By Anonymous - 09/03/2012 22:36 - United States

Today, I had to patiently listen as a customer nattered on and on about how incompetent I was for not stocking the movie she was looking for. It took nearly 20 minutes to get her to calm down long enough for me to explain that there is no such movie as "Hobbits With Shotguns". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 797
You deserved it 2 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, yes, the adaptation of Tolkien's long-lost tale of hobbits, hunting, and many, many explosions. It's one of my favourites. The hobbit with the eyepatch is the best hobbit.

Maybe you misheard her. Because there is a movie called Hobos With Shotguns. Or maybe she misspoke.


Ah, yes, the adaptation of Tolkien's long-lost tale of hobbits, hunting, and many, many explosions. It's one of my favourites. The hobbit with the eyepatch is the best hobbit.

Is it just me, or does anyone else really want to see that movie?

leprechaun23 15

Sounds like it would be an oscar winning movie

DeboDaGreat 3

Then OP could have given it to her and this whole situation would have been avoided. Too bad there isn't such a film. :[

Great bow im mad because there is no such movie. C'MON HOLLYWOOD YOU RELEASE CRAP LIKE GREEN LANTERN BUT YOU WONT MAKE THIS!!!!!!

every character is cooler with an eye patch look at kenpachi zaraki ten extra bad ass points instantly because of his optical covering

@19: To win an Oscar, it would have to have either a brilliant soundtrack, or give the eyepatch hobbit a tragic background involving a puppy, a lost love, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and an anti-tank rifle.

Hahahaha what did u say 71. Repeat. Repeat

39 - yes, the eye patch helps his character so much:)

39 - yes, the eye patch helps his character so much:)

cyK0tek 0

71, I know the feelin' bro...

Sophie10134 8

First.. And I agree your life sucks

AdamBasebal69 0

In the customer's world, apparently all they need is their "imagination!" (spongebob reference :P)

Maybe you misheard her. Because there is a movie called Hobos With Shotguns. Or maybe she misspoke.

Erm, my mistake. Hobo with a Shotgun* Its actually a really good film. Its about a hobo vigilante. He kills a pedo santa while he's masturbating in his car by a park. Its a ******* epic film.

such a good movie, its funny as hell.

MargieDrury 1

15 like my post said it was an awkward movie like no words can't describe that movie it's...... ? :(

MargieDrury 1
Junkie_Razor 20

Rutger Hauer is a legend in that film.

That movie scarred me for the rest of my life...

MargieDrury 1

There's a really awkward movie "hobos with shotguns".

RahmEsHestos 5
MargieDrury 1

Umm no there's definitely a movie called a hobo with a shotgun. So get it right.

12 - the actual movie title is indeed "Hobos With Shotguns". Almost certainly what the customer was thinking of but had the title wrong.

MargieDrury 1

22-I'm not sure because other people are commenting on how hobbits with a shotguns is a real movie. But personally I've never herd of it so.

MargieDrury 1

I hope that wasn't sarcasm but like I said I haven't herd of the movie so I was "figuring" that it was a real movie.

I think 41 was saying that because you didn't put an "a" in heard, but don't worry most people don't give a shit

the people commenting that hobbits with shotguns is a real movie are joking...

MargieDrury 1
MargieDrury 1

46- that's not true because you have petty ass "grammar nazi" people out there that piss me off.

MargieDrury 1

Kk, awesome. Bored and sleepy hitting the hay. I'm going stop coming to this post love you guys have fun with life.

MargieDrury 1

Are you a bit slow? Obviously there is no movie called hobbits with shotguns and obviously the people saying it were joking, I just can't believe you fell for it, nice grammar by the way too..

ryokutheman 0

Wrong, it's "Hobo with a shotgun" singular, not plural. It's very gruesome actually, so I wouldn't recommend watching it if you have a weak stomach.

RahmEsHestos 5

Well at least you didn't end up like some of the other OPs who got fired for such things like this when te customers complain to a manager

RabidBunny 10

The customer is always right! I have it on blu-ray! You weren't looking hard enough and deserve a demotion! :D

buckeye08 10

Careful how you toss that phrase around!

Mister_Triangle 21

9 - I dunno, that customer sounds pretty distressed; not very blissful

buckeye08 10

93 - your name is so appropriate :P

GetHardOrGoHome 7
kittenvks 11
buckeye08 10

I'm straight, but all I can say is "boobs". lol

amanda_say_whutt 9

69- that's pretty ****** up bro.

69 you suck, you don't even have a photo of yourself so stfu.

Psh, duh there isnt a movie called Hobbits with Shotguns. It's Hobbits with Pistols! Jeez, people in this world...

lol dang. we had almost the same idea...posted before i read this. lol