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By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 16:07 - United States

Today, it was my high school graduation. Because our school colors were red, black and white, and our principal looked somewhat like Hitler, the senior class prank was to salute him when he finished his speech. I was the only one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 630
You deserved it 36 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was a pretty lame prank anyway. & your whole class must be real goodie-goodies if they wouldn't even do that. But it was only a salute, I'd say about 3 people saw, get over it.

hahaha that's actually hilarious i applod you for having the balls to do it haha


pltcllyincorrect 0

Oh God, please people. I HATE PEOPLE WHO ALWAYS HAVE TO FIGHT JUST TO FIGHT. Honestly, I don't give a f*ck if you're Jewish, (or you're just an idiot wanting to pick a fight over the internet.) That doesn't mean this isn't absolutely hilarious. Calm down. This is freaking awesome! #77... small world! Haha

that prank doesn't make sense. what do the colours blue red and black have to do with germany or nazi's?

Jessica_Carnage 0

Hahaha, ohhhh man that's amazing :D Hooray for Germany!

#100, ever seen a Nazi flag? And its black, red and white not blue.

readblink 1

This is not hilarious or awesome....just stupid. I don't find most Hitler jokes funny though. You are an idiot for not checking with anyone else. I think it was a prank on you and not many people knew about it...YDI

It's the past, black people use the word ****** as they use the word Bro... So honestly, you guys need to get the stick out of your ass, Hitler killed alot of people but watch some family guy for once! Open up your mind! It's done, it's over, why not laugh about it? Wanna cry your whole life? Instead of dwelling on the past, how about you go feed a kid in Africa or something. Idiots.

i would do it ;D and #98 said it all haha.

How dare you?! You have no idea what the Jews went through in the Holocaust thanks to that terrible coward Hitler. Read some books on the Holocaust, maybe that'll teach you to never mock it again!

DareToDream7 0

How dare you falsely accuse someone? Maybe if YOU actually read a book, the Holocaust was not about the salute. The Holocaust was the massacre of 6 million Jews. The salute was acknowledging Hitler and his power. Nobody here can deny that Hitler was very persuasive and powerful, albeit his motives and end results were not exactly moral. And how dare you act as though this was the only massacre ever to occur on this Earth? There are so many sick people out there, killing out religions much as Hitler did. Yet the Holocaust is the only one we take to heart? Why? Black people were enslaved. Jewish people were killed. Over 50 years ago. That doesn't mean they automatically get a free pass to say "My anscestors were murdered. You can't attack me because that means you're racists." NO IT DOESN'T!!!! I am most definetly NOT racist. But it frustrates me when people can't joke about a SALUTE over 50 years after the fact! The salute wasn't killing people! It was showing respect to a powerful leader. Is that a crime now? Should we all stop showing respect to the Queen of England? NO! And its not the the Nazi's KNEW Hitler was going to massacre the Jewish people! Nazi's were around long before the Holocaust. Pick up a history book, you might learn something. The Holocaust was terrible, there is no denying that. Just stop yelling at this kid who was just trying to have fun at graduation.

Well it's pretty strongly implied, when the joke is to salute someone they think looks like Hitler. It's really ignorant of people to think that just because it's in the past now, it's ok to make jokes about it now. This was a bad idea for a prank.

ohhdamn 0

lame ass joke, seriously dude you senior class sucks some real dick.