By disheshateme - 18/11/2009 07:03 - United States

Today, it was my turn to do the suite's dishes. I was in the process of drying my roommate's coffee mug when the handle suddenly snapped off and the sharp edge left on the mug scraped down my arm. I now have a 3-inch long gash in my arm. I was attacked by a cheap coffee mug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 703
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, look how you have failed! This is the best comment I've seen where someone gets their comment number wrong.


"Today, my roomate announced that she's sueing me because while she was cleaning my coffee mug, it broke and cut her. I wasn't even there when it happened. FML"

@Thanitos (i tried to reply but it somehow messed up) The sad part is, this happens almost every day to Mr. Mug...maybe being given oral often partially makes up for it, though.

By any chance is your "suite" located in a prison?

onemiletread 0

or LSMSA? on second thought, that's a bit like a prison...

There are homeless families sleeping in their cars this winter due to the recession and this asshole's complaining that he got scratched by a broken coffee mug. Unbelievable what this country has come to.

loooooooooool_fml 1

You know, this kind of comparing has always gotten on my nerves. So what if there are homeless families sleeping in their cars. If shit happens to you (e.g you break your leg or something like that), wouldn't it piss you off when somebody comes to you and says "There are homeless families sleeping in their cars this winter due to the recession and you're complaining because of this *insert random accident here?".


You know, this kind of shit has always gotten on my nerves. How the **** are you going to sit there and critisize someone for telling a story on a website you dumb bitch. They dont give a shit about your opinion. This is not a website that is for you to vent off of your ****** up life. You are the type of people that are making to world how it is today. judging other people by them writing a story on a website about a ******* mug cutting her. Damn you make me sick

onemiletread 0

@SkyDance: That actually made me laugh out loud. But, I'm too civilized to use the internet slang for that phrase.

sorry for sounding stupid to you live in a hotel why call your apartment a suite

I hate you for posting this you stupid ******. If you don't have anything to write about then shut the **** up.

judomemo 0

ninja coffie mug is in hiding!!!!