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By volleyballgirl - 28/02/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, at my volleyball tournament I was extremely pumped to start playing so I went to take my sweats off and everybody began to stare at me then I looked down to come to realize I had no spandex on, just a thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 964
You deserved it 32 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments


chocolateperson1 0

did i just read a facepalm moment? lol

Melkezidech 0

At which point the ref had to get "supervise" the bathroom with some "ball grease" and paper towels?

That might be hot unlesssss You put you're screen name is volleyballgirl but you're really a nasty old bald fat lo5er who wears tongs for boNer pleaser Hey just saying O_o

besides that, us girls who play v-ball are usually fit, thanks to having to jump to block a ball over a 7ft net

ravensunnyd 0

the nets 7ft I didn't no that :) it's a good thing im 6ft and only 13 and still growing

cucuto89 0

LET ME SEE THAT THO-O-ONG! Baby! That thong tha thong thong thong. =D

I reply to the first post just to get my comment at the top.

#82- try playin on a guys net. they r talkin about raising it to 9ft. I'm only 5'9 and I'm a right side hitter. sucks, but I'll manage. haha

Watch how everyone reply to the first comment just so theyr comment will Get further up. Everybody, incliding me :3 @101 Win.

sweetcheeks22 0

ooh. take it off, take it off babe. lol

Aw stop whining, i've seen short guys block twice as high as i can and i'm 6 ft.

LemonMan 0

And then you made a porno?

us lacrosse players are also usually fit. very fit, I hate volleyball it's a weak sport of jumping and hitting a ball. big whoop. play a real sport and lay some motherfuckers out!

you try getting a ball thats being slammed down five feet infront of you to your setter, and then jumping and slamming it back, then tell me that volleyball is a weak sport.

yay i thought i was the only tall 13 year old well i just turned 14 still growing 2 :))

rixietrixie 25

So many people assume that by putting "lol" at the end of phrase, the vulgar context of said phrase is disregarded, meaning they can say anything...don't rely on assumptions

Narelon 12

God damn! That must have been a sexy ass sight!!!

who would have pics of that? llike seriously., /:

cam007_fml 0

@128, that's the first thing I would do.

garuru 4

oh that was you damn those pics i got are hot

FYLDeep 25

if she's hot then fhl. if she's ugly than **** everyone's life.

blackcats31 0

this is exactly why I keep my spandex on all day before a game. lol

Yeahhh..same..I mean OP couldve avoided that.

MF12 0

I actually sleep in my spandex and jersey and stuff before the day of a game

TheBreaKer_fml 0
treesdevin 0

I know right imagine her in her spandex ahaa

christian50 0
iankennedy17 0
PunxsatownyPhil 0

I want pics of all of these instances or none of them happened.

I usually wear an entire spandex morphsuit the whole week of the game. Shit... I dont even play sports

PsychoMerk 0

points for creative distraction? /:D

LOL that's what I thought #5! It's all part of the plan, the "Distract with ass". What a team player.

facingforeverr 0

be glad you were wearing any panties at all. one time i was in the locker room changing for gym class nd i forgot tht i wasnt wearing any panties...then i got 3 days ALC. and i was in the ******* LOCKER ROOM.

Why weren't you wearing underwear? There's just really no excuse ever to not wear underwear...

... i like not wearing underwear sometimes. as being female, its perfectly acceptable and sexah.

Haha, little prudes know nothing about going commando :D

facingforeverr 0

personally i see nothing wrong with it. why its a bad thing to not wear underwear? somebody please explain

alexxss_fml 10
jonesy974 5

Girls in thongs and going commando is hot!

KurouTenshi 0

oh nice! that's the kind if sexy mishap I wish I could see more of in Hyrule ;)

KurouTenshi 0

a cigarette? where?! :o I thought I smoked my last one a minute ago... hope it's menthol :"3

I actually found his response to the insult rather amusing

XxCoolPersonxX 0

hahah funny funny. Didn't you feel the breeze when you took your pants off though?? haha

texas_justice 0, what if girls played volleyball in skimpy outfits. say... bra and panties, no... bikinis, damn that would be great! hey, what about outside? outside in the sun, in bikinis! I know, I know, the BEACH! life would be so sweet if only...

facingforeverr 0

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