By Anonymous - 21/05/2011 06:22 - United States

Today, it was raining heavily. I saw a large puddle by the edge of the road near with a passing lady. Thinking it would be funny to splash her, I swerved to hit the puddle. The puddle was deeper than I thought. I lost control of the car, spun out, and hit two parked cars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 338
You deserved it 255 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goliatron 9

You definitely deserve it, you poopyface.


xxBriMarieCxx 5

thats what you get for being a douche.

russell61 0

good for you dumb ass you deserved it!

shhortmomma 0

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA., bitch. What a great ending!! HAHA.

i'm guessing it's supposed to be a tame version of "dickshit," which, to me, is equally lame. |the kid|

so, let me guess, you went out of your way to try to **** up some innocent lady's day and crashed into some shit, and you expected sympathy from members of the fml community? i think you're out of luck, bro. i really hope that the owners of the cars you slammed into casually steamroll you to death. |the kid|

maddieking 2