By GhettoBeast - 08/09/2009 04:42 - New Zealand

Today, it was the first day of my job at a kindergarten. A boy fell over in the playground, so I ran over to see if he was OK. He got up and had a huge red mark on the side of his face. Shocked, I yelled "Oh my god, your face!" Turns out it's a very large port-wine birthmark and now he won't stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 865
You deserved it 15 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI because you dont react like that to a child, it will freak them the **** out. but also FYL because how would you know?

Try to explain it to him. Be nice. Kids are forgiving when you can own up to your mistakes. And for future reference, a better response would be: "That was quite a fall. Are you okay?" in a calm, caring voice.You being scared makes them scared.


Top example of handling things in a professional way there. Birthmark or none, how would you react if you got in a car accident and I ran over screaming 'Jesus Christ, your legs!!'?

Your pretty ******* stupid for a teacher. If that was part of the accident instead of the birth mark you would have made him more alarmed. Your supposed to stay come you dick weed.

You're* Spellcheck before you accuse other people of being stupid. :P

9k5 0

My spellcheck doesn't correct grammar. Your is a word, as is you're. Even if it was used incorrectly, it would still appear okay.

Don't use spell check as a crutch. It is frequently wrong and it just goes to show that you are incapable of thinking without assistance.

I would like to point out that people are freaking about your/you're when the poster typed "come" instead of "calm" Or at least, that is what I assume he/she was trying to say.

xMooMoox 0

So these children, you didn't look at them beforehand? I mean if it was so big you should have seen it. I knew a guy with one on his face, he was quite cute anyways. You could clearly see it and even I as a child (2nd grade but I knew him later too) knew it was some kind of birthmark. And guys it doesn't say shes a teacher, I think she is somekind of playground attendent. As for freaking out the kid yeah, you shouldn't do it but it was her first day so she paniced a little.

you actually said 'oh my god, your face!'? in front of the kid? with other kids around? you freaked out in front of kids? you're in the wrong profession you f'ing moron. you could actually do emotional damage to the the little ones. go work in a grocery store or, better yet, night guard. at least you won't be around. kids.

OK, part of a job is on the job learning experiences. Maybe shes never been trained to handle children before. Maybe this is her first time working with children and shes just starting to learn how to interact with them and hasn't mastered keeping calm with them yet. Secondly, saying "Oh my god, your face!" isn't going to emotionally debilitate a child for the rest of its life either. If kids were that easy to **** up then people would be emotionally deranged left and right. I just get so annoyed with how righteous and judgmental and all knowing people get on this web page. Stop assuming shit. You know 2-3 lines about this persons experience and you feel like you know enough to jump down their throat, WTF?

#56 it's common sense not to scream something like that if you believe that person is seriously injured. it only causes the potential injured person to panic which just makes the situation worse. so even if OP hadn't ever worked with kids before they should have known not to panic the kid. also screaming 'oh my God your face!' most likely won't harm the other children, but to the kid with the birthmark it actually can be traumatizing and can cause lifelong self esteem issues. kids remember things, especially things like that. take for example, me. when ibwas around 5 or so someone made a comment on the mark on my ear that was caused by a cigarette burn, because of that remark I have refused to tie my hair back and show that ear from that day forward. just because you don't think it will happen doesn't mean it won't actually happen.

alwaysalady 0

That child will be explaining that one to a shrink in 1o years.... hope your happy.

you didn't know that his face is just like that?? you are stupid -.-

whyowhy26 3

you could have acted like there was dirt or something on his face! and then brushed it off and smiled and said everything was okay!!! unless you ponited out the birthmarka nd said "whats that big ugly red mark ?"

I lmao'ed at two things: 1. 'oh my god your face!' Haha that sounds like a middle schooler's insult. 2. Your username. probably the most random one I've seen

**** the kids life for having a huge birthmark on his face